Tuesday Tips – Exporting your Dashboard

Univeristy of Ediburgh LogoRecently we looked at how you can get the most from your Dashboard but did you know you can also export your Dashboard into a PDF to share with colleagues?

There are various ways to export your Dashboard, or any website, into a PDF no matter which browser you are using. Below are instructions on how to do this in Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari.

Internet Explorer

Click on the cogwheel at the top right of the browser and select ‘Print’, OR just select Ctrl + P on your keyboard.

PDF Export IE 1

A print box will open up with options on where you would like to print your document. Select ‘Adobe PDF’ and click Print.

PDF Export IE 2Another box will open up asking what you would like to save your PDF file as, choose where you would like to save the file and enter the name you would like to save the file as, then click on ‘Save’.

Once your file has been saved it should open up automatically for viewing. If not, go to the folder where you saved the file to and click to open it from there.


In the menu bar at the top of your screen, click on ‘Tools’ and select ‘Add-ons’ from the drop down menu. This will take you to the Firefox add-ons page. In the top right corner of the web page is a search box.

Type “Print Pages to PDF” into the search box and the top search result should be ‘PDF Download 3.0.02’. Install this and then restart the browser.

Screenshot of Tools menu with 'Add-ons' highlighted.

If you click back into the ‘Tools’ option at the top of the screen, the last option on the drop down menu should be the Add-on “Print Pages to PDF” which you can now choose to use when viewing any web page, including the Dashboard of your Resource List.


Go to the Chrome web store and type “PDF exporter” into the search bar on the top left of the web page.  The page will provide results for available Apps and available Extensions. Look down the list for the available Extensions, the top result on this list should be ‘Save as PDF’ a free extension from pdfcrowd.

Click on the blue button to the right that says “+ Free”. A pop-up box will ask you to confirm that you want to add this extension. Click on Add.

A pop-up notice will appear in the top right of your screen confirming that the extension has been added. PDF Export ChromeWhen viewing a web page that you would like to export into a PDF just click on the blue and orange icon. A PDF will be created and sent to your Downloads folder.


Click on the cogwheel in the top right corner of the browser and select ‘Customize Toolbar’.

PDF Export Safari 1A new box will pop up with a number of customisable options for your toolbar. Click and hold the print icon and drag it anywhere up onto the toolbar then let go. Click on ‘Done’ to close the customisation box.

PDF Export Safari 2Now a print icon should appear at the top left of your toolbar. To print any web page, just click on the icon and you can choose to either print to a PDF or to a network printer.

PDF Export Safari 3


More information on how to make the most of Resource Lists can be found on the Resource Lists using Talis Aspire webpage and the ResourceLists@Edinburgh Blog.


Stephanie Farley

Library Learning Services Assistant