Monthly Archives: January 2020

Resource Lists: Semester 2 Checklist

There are five quick checks Course organisers can make to ensure students have access to their Semester 2 Resource Lists and key readings:

1. Is there a published 2019/2020 version of the course Resource List?

If not, get in touch and we can copy a previous year’s list for use in Semester 2. You can check if there is a list for a previous year by searching on the Resource Lists homepage.  Change course status to ‘ALL’ to view Resource Lists from previous years.

2. Have you made the link in the Learn main menu visible to students?

We want students to be able to access their Resource Lists form their Learn course.  There are three requirements:

  1. The Resource List needs to be published
  2. The Resource List needs to be linked to the same course code used on Learn (see point 3 below)
  3. The ‘Resource Lists’ link on the main menu in Learn needs to be visible. NB: The Library does not do this – Course organisers, Learning Technologists or School admin staff (depending on School practice) are responsible for making the link visible. 

If there is a checkbox with a score through it next to the ‘Resource List’ link then the link is NOT visible to students 

To enable the ‘Resource Lists’ link on Learn  follow this guidance or contact your Learning Technologist.

Once the ‘Resource List’ link is enabled, test it – if you can click through to the list it should be working for students. The link won’t work in student preview mode on Learn – this is expected behaviour.

3. Is your Resource List associated with the correct course code?

The Resource List needs to be linked to the correct 2019/20 course code. If it’s not, students won’t be able to access their list from Learn.

You can see the course code at the top of the list in blue. The academic year is also displayed here.  Make sure (2019/20) is part of the code.

If the course code isn’t correct, you can associate the list with the correct code.

Step 1: Selecting ‘Manage course association’ from the list menu

Step 2:  Click ‘Remove this course’









Step 3: Search for the 2019/20 code.

Step 4: Associate and close

If you can’t find a course code, get in touch with and we’ll add the code and link the list. 

4.If you are a new Course Organiser, do you and your colleagues have access to edit the course Resource List?

If you are a new Course organiser or don’t have editing rights to your course list, contact and we’ll set you up with the necessary permissions.

If you would like to invite colleagues to edit a list:

Step 1: Click on ‘Collaborators’ (top right of the screen), then on ‘Manage collaborators’

Step 2: Start typing the name of the person you’d like to add (you can also use their UUN). Select the person from the drop down menu.

Step 3: Decide if they will have managing or editing rights

Step 4: Send an invitation. The person added will receive an email notification containing a link to the list.

5.Have you made any required changes to your list?

You can edit your list at any point throughout the year. If no action is required from the Library (eg make a purchase or provide a scan) then you don’t need to send the list for review.

There are some guides and short videos to help you edit your list.

How to edit your list

This video shows you how to add, move and delete resources on a list:

Contact if you have any questions about Resource Lists.