Resource Lists Week question of the day: how do I find my resource list?

Thank you to everyone who came to chat at the Murray Library today! The thing we probably got asked most was nice and straightforward: how do I find my resource list?

There’s two ways to get to your resource list: from your course Learn page or the Resource Lists homepage:

However, not all courses have resource lists! If you’re not sure, speak to your course organiser or contact Library Learning Services ( and we can check for you. Course organisers can contact Library Learning Services at any time if they would like to start using Resource Lists.

Learn (and Moodle)

The labels might be slightly different depending on your course but, to find your resource list, go to the Learn page for your course and:

  1. Click on ‘Resource List’ in the navigation panel on the left, then
  2. Click on the ‘Resource List’ link, which takes you to to actual list








A small number of courses use Moodle – if there’s a resource list, the course page will also include a link!

The Resource Lists Homepage is where you can find every single published resource list. You can see the resource lists for your own courses, but also have a look at related courses or perhaps get an idea of next year’s reading. You can search for a list by course/list title, code code, or the name of the course organiser.