A resource list is more than just an easy way to get to your course reading (very useful though that is!); you can follow lists, add and tag items in your personal collection, and discuss the resources on a list. Also, you can suggest new items to add to your resource lists.
You can follow any of the resource lists in Leganto. Just click on the Add button and the list will appear in your My Lists section (see the link at the top of the left-hand navigation menu).
After following a list, you can like and discuss the items on it, and suggest new things to be added to the list.
You can tag any of the items in My Collection (this is a collection of material that you’ve added from resource lists or anywhere online – see our earlier blog post). Tagging is a really useful way of organising your reading; for example, you could organise your seminar reading for each week or allocate a resource to a specific chapter of your dissertation. Once you’ve added a tag, you can then filter your list so that only items with that tag will appear.
Remember, tags are private so only you will see them!
If you click on an item on a resource list, you’ll see a discussion box on the right-hand side:
Here you can post your comments – these are public and can be viewed by anyone looking at the list (including your course organiser)!
Anything that you’ve added to My Collection can also be suggested for inclusion on your course resource lists (or other lists that you follow). So, if you’ve come across something that isn’t on a resource list – but you’ve found it useful and it adds something to your other reading – you have an option to suggest an item. This sends a notification to the course organiser that a new item has been suggested for inclusion on the resource list.
The Library Learning Services team will be in the Main Library all this week (11am to 3pm) so we’ll be available to answer any questions! You can also email us at library.learning@ed.ac.uk or tweet @ResourceListsEd
Louise Dutnell
Course Collections Assistant, Library Learning Services