Course organisers, if you want to add a book to your resource list(s) and you can’t find it in DiscoverED, find it on the National Library of Scotland (NLS) catalogue or on any bookseller’s website and bookmark it from there.
The bookmark from the NLS or bookseller acts as a placeholder on the list. When you request a review of your list, we’ll check all items on the list against current holdings in the Library, if we don’t have any copies, we’ll use the details on the placeholder bookmark to process the book recommendation. You can help us, by using ‘Note for Library’ to highlight that we need to purchase copies of any title not held.
Remember to use ‘Note for Library’ to request e-reserve scans, additional copies or provide information about a list item and to request a review of your Semester 2 Resource Lists by 31st October.
More information on requesting a review of your list(s).
Angela Laurins
Library Learning Services