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Featured: April 1988 TAGS: | | | | The final issue of Student also comes on the back of Easter Holidays, read all about it here….

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Featured: March 1988 TAGS: | | | | | Spring has sprung in Edinburgh, with an exciting election for rector taking place, some great musical acts and much more! Read all about it here…

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February 1988 TAGS: | | | This month’s issues of Student are the bearers of bad news, from corruption in the SRC, betrayal from the Secretary of State, house fires and bus crashes. Read about the sad state of February 1988 here…

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January 1988 TAGS: | As students return from their Christmas Holidays to the new year of 1988, an issue of Student greets them, reporting issues such as student financial problems and the protest of a conservative MP on campus. Read more here…

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December 1987 TAGS: | | | | The final issues of Student for 1987 see a celebratory issue for 100 years of stellar student reporting, some exciting news for Teviot-goers, and a Christmas-themed political protest. Read more here!

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November 1987 TAGS: | | | | | This month Edinburgh is home to some great performances and some controversial politics….Read more here!

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October 1987 TAGS: | | | Welcome back to the University of Edinburgh campus for a new academic year, 1987/1988! Read the newest issues of Student here!

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May 1987 TAGS: | | | | | The final issues of Student for the 1986/1987 academic yea are rife with exciting elections, investigations in society corruptions, Rag Week festivities, and political controversy! Read more here!

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April 1987 TAGS: | | | | Returning from the 1987 Easter Holidays, Student reports on the EUSA Elections, AIDS research breakthroughs and some great theatre…Click here to read more!

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March 1987 TAGS: | | | In March 1987 there were marches against the Thatcher-era loans scheme, politicians visiting campus, and a festival solely devoted to heavy metal across Edinburgh. Click here to read more about it!

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