February 1988

This month’s issues of Student are the bearers of bad news, from corruption in the SRC, betrayal from the Secretary of State, house fires and bus crashes. Read about the sad state of February 1988 below…
11 February, 1988: Committee Corruption and London Protests
Student reports on accusations made this week that the Teviot Row House Union Committee have been running their business with “Mafia-like operations,” according to anonymous sources.
Students from the University of Edinburgh went to London this week to take part in a nationally-organised protest against the current military actions being taken by the Israel Defence Forces against Palestine.
18 February, 1988: Essay Companies and Secretarial Betrayal
This week Student investigates a company known as London Essay Services (LES), who cater to overwhelmed students and offer an “expertly completed essay” service for a high price.
Secretary of State for Scotland, Malcolm Rifkind, announces that he will be supporting the institution of a poll-tax in Scotland, despite previously siding with those who believe it will be detrimental to vulnerable groups such as students and working class citizens.
25 February, 1988:Homeless and Hospitalised Students
A fire in a privately-let flat have cause four students to become homeless, Student reports, with no provisions or help being offered to them on the part of the University Accommodation Services.
Due to a bus crash between two vehicles on the route from Edinburgh to Dundee, a number of University of Edinburgh students have now been admitted to hospitals in both Edinburgh and Dundee, for moderate to severe injuries.