May 1987

7 May, 1987: Rag Week Festivities and Outrages Rent Hikes
Rag Week 1987 was celebrated with parade floats, crazy costumes, and lots of money raised for various charities at University of Edinburgh this week.
Next academic year’s rent for the University’s only catered accommodation, Pollock Halls, was announced this week, and it has seen a hike of more than 7%, causing outrage among students.
14 May, 1987: Conservative Club Corruption and Election Excitement
Student reported on what some are believing is electoral malpractice on the part of the Conservative Club on campus, with the illustrious society being accused of doctoring their constitution, embezzling funds, and more!
Today the polls also opened for the 1987/1988 EUSA Election candidates. They waited with baited breath to see who would be chosen for the roles for the next academic year…
21 May, 1987: Election Results and A Banned Magazine on Campus!
Student announces the winners of the EUSA Election, with sabbatical officers and SRC representatives being chosen for the 1987/1988 academic year.
The University Newsline, a magazine published by west-coast students and graduates was banned on many Scottish University campuses for it extreme right wing views and allegedly offensive content. However this week Student reports that copies of the magazine are being distributed across campus by an unknown source, cause outrage among students!