March 1987

In March 1987 there were marches against the Thatcher-era loans scheme, politicians visiting campus, and a festival solely devoted to heavy metal across Edinburgh. Read more about it below….
5 March 1987: Marchs Against Loans and A Visit from the Secretary of State…
On the day this copy of Student was published in March 1987, The National Union of Students Scotland branch organised a march against the instatement of a loans-based student funding scheme being enacted by the U.K. Government, to take place in Edinburgh, in which a large number of students and representatives from the University took part.
The University hosted the Scottish Secretary of State, Malcolm Rifkind, at David Hume Tower, where student protestors presented him with a giant “pill” to represent the “remedy” for education (a £35 per week grant for all students during term time, and no loans)
12 March 1987: A New Gallery on Campus and A Festival for Metalheads
The Richard Demarco Gallery began its transformation and refurbishment on the day this issue of Student was published.
Edinburgh hosts the ‘Death to False Metal’ Festival, with lots of famous metal bands from around the world attending the festivities.