November 1984

1 November 1984: Yes, we support the miners
- Miners’ support passed – but no quorum: Four hundred and sixty-eight people turned up at the McEwan Hall on Monday night for the first Association General Meeting of the year to discuss motions in support of a Chilean general strike, and backing the picketing miners here in Britain.
- Rock bottom: The minimum grant, which was halved from £410 to £205 last year, may be scrapped altogether, depending on the outcome of a Cabinet meeting later this month
- This Charming Myth: The Fall’s now long and atrophied roots stretch back over eight years to the blighted backside of England that is Salford
8 November 1984: Matringo winner collects £30!
- The Pride of Lions: After more than eighteen months, U2 returned to Edinburgh in a blaze of glory.
- Lonarch Gathering: Scotland is renowned all over the world for its traditional Highland Gatherings. One of the lesser known but most interesting of these is the Lonarch Highland Gathering and Games in Upper Donside: Student receives a rare insight.
- Mannix, Morrissey, Mondale: This week’s American election, the Smiths, and last term’s SRC elections have something in common. What difference does it make? You may well ask.
15 November 1984: Bilston Glen – state of the strike
- Tory split as Ryland resigns: Many months of internal wrangling and problems within the Executive of the Edinburgh University Conservative Association may well be over with the resignation this week of the President, Andrew Ryland, and three other committee members.
- The state of the strike: The recent SRC General Meeting passed a motion supporting the miners’ strike. The NUM rally last week at the Usher Hall was packed out. Edinburgh District Council donates £5,000 a month to the strike fund. Despite all this, reports in the press have announced a massive drift back to work.
- Ballgowns, bow-ties and booze: Yes, my darlings, the hectic University Social Calendar ground to a halt last Friday to embrace that decadent, capitalist extravaganza, the annual Presidents’ Ball. Student’s very own Dedicated Diarist braved the bank manager’s wrath to report upon the swirl of social luminaries attempting to be private in public.
22 November 1984: Grants – the fight starts here!
- O’Neill goes on trial at AGM: A dramatic annual general meeting is in store next Thursday, following the tabling of a motion at last week’s Committee of Management meeting demanding the dismissal of Union President Hilary O’Neill.
- REM – Caley Palais (p12): REM have a lot to live up to, variously lauded as the best thing to come out of America for years, the saviours of American rock music etc.
- WAR! The fight for education: Where will you be this lunchtime? To coincide with today’s mass rally against the heaviest grant cuts for many years, Student brings you analysis of the situation. Be at the Old College, 1pm, today.
29 November 1984: … and the fight goes on
- Huge turnout for Old College rally: “Education is a right – not a privilege. We must stand up and fight for the right to survive!” That was the clear opinion of all the speakers at last week’s rally in the Old College, which attracted a crowd of 2,000 students.
- Ghostbusters: Hype… Hype… Hooray!: We have been hearing the title song for months now, and the “no ghost” logo is all over the place – Ghostbusters, the most hyped moved of the year, is coming to the UK.
- Edwina Currie: the case for cuts: The Federation of Conservative Students leadership has “one of two funny ideas” – Alan Young talks to the formidable political phenomenon that is Edwina Currie.
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