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SSSA in 70 Objects: A Superstar TAGS: | Ian MacKenzie: More of a superstar than an object,  but very much SSSA. by Caroline Milligan [i] From dozens of ideas on my ‘What shall I write about for my …Continue reading →

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SSSA in 70 Objects: Bha Là Eile Ann Response by Fraser MacBeath Hello, I’m Fraser MacBeath, a sound artist/electronic music producer from the Isle of Lewis, currently a postgraduate Sound For The Moving Image student at The Glasgow School …Continue reading →

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Upcoming Events Celebrating SSSA at 70 TAGS: | | As part of our ongoing celebrations for our 70th Anniversary, we are delighted to announce some events which are coming up in August. Fieldwork & Creative Engagement: Oral History of …Continue reading →

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SSSA in 70 Objects: CROW PIE: COOKERY FROM THE MACLAGAN MANUSCRIPTS TAGS: | The Maclagan Manuscripts Collected by: Elizabeth Kerr Residence: Port Charlotte Locality of Collection: Highland Reference: MML0772b Chosen by: Theresa Mackay Five years ago I was completing my MLitt dissertation at …Continue reading →

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SSSA in 70 Objects: Plants used in traditional Shetland medicine TAGS: | Contributor: Tom Tulloch Fieldworker: Alan Bruford SA Reference: SA1978.068 Chosen by: Jenny Sturgeon My chosen object is a recording of Shetlander Tom Tulloch talking with interviewer Alan Bruford. Recorded in …Continue reading →

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SSSA in 70 Objects: “No Winder You Canna Catch Fish” TAGS: | Response by: Holly Graham Recording: Up Helly Aa peats replaced by tar barrels Contributor: Katie Laurenson Fieldworker: Elizabeth Neilson Reference: SA1961.89.B74 My chosen object is a short audio extract, an excerpt of …Continue reading →

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SSSA in 70 Objects: Hò Ro Gur Toigh Leinn Anna  TAGS: Contributor: Peigi Anndra MacRae, Mairi Anndra MacRae  Fieldworker: Donald Archie MacDonald  Reference: SA1964.062  Link: Response: Dr Alison Mayne  It’s extremely hard for me to pick one object from the School of Scottish Studies Archives.  I …Continue reading →

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SSSA in 70 Objects : A bird living in one of the houses on St Kilda, 1938 Chosen by Stephen Willis, Library Assistant, Centre for Research Collections. On 29th August 1930, the island of St Kilda was evacuated due to its remote location and a dwindling population. …Continue reading →

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SSSA in 70 Objects: Borders Ba’ Games TAGS: ‘They do it yet!’: The surprise of Borders ba’. Dr Emily Lyle When I was talking with an old man in Denholm about customs, I had been reading about the …Continue reading →

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Queering the Archive: An Announcement of a New Initiative TAGS: | | | | | | | We are excited to announce the work on our new Queering the Archive initiative. This initiative aims to increase representation of LGBT+ records within our collections.  Queering the Archive will hope …Continue reading →

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Default utility Image Archival Provenance Project: Emily’s finds               My name is Emily, and I’m the second of the two archive interns that...
Default utility Image Archival Provenance Project: a glimpse into the university’s history through some of its oldest manuscripts               My name is Madeleine Reynolds, a fourth year PhD candidate in History of Art....


Sustainable Exhibition Making: Recyclable Book Cradles In this post, our Technician, Robyn Rogers, discusses the recyclable book cradles she has developed...
Default utility Image Giving Decorated Paper a Home … Rehousing Books and Paper Bindings In the first post of this two part series, our Collection Care Technician, Robyn Rogers,...


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