Beginner’s guide to finding a book in DiscoverEd

Got a book you need to find in the Library but not sure how to search for it in DiscoverEd? This beginner’s guide should help.

If searching for a known book use a combination of title and author keywords.

–> Search DiscoverEd

For example, if you were looking for this book:

A.A.M. Duncan, Scotland: the making of the kingdom (Edinburgh, 1992).

You could do a search using the keywords “duncan”, “Scotland”, “making” and “kingdom”. DiscoverEd will look for items that include all the keywords in the item record.

IF Continue reading

Some new Library resources for you

On the HCA Librarian blog I have highlighted new resources or material that have been purchased for the Library’s collections from requests from students or staff in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology.

However, new resources purchased from requests from other schools in the College of Humanities & Social Sciences and beyond may also be of interest to HCA students and staff. I generally tweet about these but I thought I’d put a quick post together just to highlight some of these resources.

In no particular order…

Historical Statistics of the United States: Millennial Edition Online


Historical Statistics of the United States (HSUS) is a compendium of statistics about the United States and is the standard source for the quantitative facts of American history. –> Find out more

IndiaStat Continue reading

New to the Library for History, Classics & Archaeology

Thanks to recommendations from members of staff and requests via RAB from students the Library is continually adding new books to its collections both online and in print. Here are just a small number of the books that have been added to the Library’s collections in April 2016 for the School of History, Classics and Archaeology and these demonstrate the wide range of subjects being taught, studied and researched within School.

–> Find even more via DiscoverEd.

Corrupting luxury in ancient Greek literature by Robert J. Gorman and Vanessa B. Gorman (shelfmark: PA3009 Gor.)

A medieval book of beasts: the second-family bestiary. Commentary, art, text and translation by Willene B. Clark (shelfmark: Folio PA8275.B4 Cla.)


“The bestiary – a book of animals, both real and mythical – is one of the most interesting and appealing medieval artefacts. The “Second-family” bestiary is the most important and frequently produced version…This study addresses the work’s purpose and audience, challenging previous assumptions with direct evidence in the manuscripts themselves”

The spoils of freedom: psychoanalysis and feminism after the fall of socialism by Renata Salecl (e-book). Continue reading

Classical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies 2015

The Library has recently purchased access to the e-book collection Classical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies 2015 from the publishers DeGruyter, which gives us access to over 80 titles from 2015.


All of the e-books from the collection can be accessed individually via DiscoverEd.

DeGruyter is one of the leading scholarly publishers in Classical Studies and their Classical and Ancient Near Easter Studies 2015 collection of text corpora and reference works covers the history and culture of the ancient Mediterranean, Near East and Egypt in all their aspects. Continue reading