ProQuest e-resources trials extended!

*The Library now has permanent access to Women’s Magazine Archive I and II, News, Policy and Politics Magazine Archive and Historic Literary Criticism (via ProQuest One Literature). We also have access to all British Periodicals collections until 31st December 2021 via ProQuest Access 350.*

The Library currently has trial access to several fantastic databases from ProQuest and I’m happy to let you know our access to these databases has recently been extended until the end of December 2016.

The databases included are:

  • Women’s Magazine Archive I and II
  • British Periodicals III and IV
  • Los Angeles Times Historical Archive, 1881-1992
  • News, Policy and Politics Magazine Archive
  • Luthers Werke
  • Historic Literary Criticism.

You can access all of these trial databases via the E-resources trials page. Access is available both on and off-campus.

Trial access ends on 31st December 2016.

womens-magazine-archive Continue reading

More e-resources trials available in November

*The Library now subscribes to Archives Unbound giving access to all collections within this. The Library has also subsequently purchased British Library Newspapers Part V.*

The Library currently has trial access to two databases from Gale Cengage, British Newspapers Part V and Post-War Europe: Refugees, Exile and Resettlement, 1945-1950.

You can access both of these online archives via the E-resources trials page. Access is available both on and off-campus.

Both trials end on 30th November 2016.

Post-War Europe: Refugees, Exile and Resettlement, 1945-1950.

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USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive

I’m pleased to let you know that the Library currently has trial access to the USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive®.


You can access this online archive via the E-resources trials page. You must register with the site to get access. Access is available on-campus or off-campus if using VPN.

Trial access ends 30th November 2016.

The Visual History Archive® is a collection of audiovisual interviews with witnesses and survivors of the Holocaust and other genocides and it allows users to search through and view more than 50,000 of these video testimonies. Continue reading

Los Angeles Times Archive on trial

For the month of November the Library has trial access to the Los Angeles Times Historical Archive, 1881-1992, from ProQuest.

You can access this online archive via the E-resources trials page. Access is available both on and off-campus.

Trial access ends 30th November 2016.
**Trial has now been extended until 31st December 2016**

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Trial access to magazine and periodical archives

*The Library now has permanent access to the Women’s Magazine Archive I and II and News, Policy & Politics Magazine Archive. We also have access to all British Periodicals collections until 31st July 2024 as part of ProQuest Access 350.*

The Library currently has trial access to 3 magazine and periodical archives, British Periodicals III and IV, News, Policy & Politics Magazine Archive and Women’s Magazine Archive I and II. These give access to a wide range of full-text magazines from around the early 20th century onwards including The Tatler, The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, Chatelaine, Newsweek, The Sketch, Good Housekeeping, Seventeen and Cosmopolitan.

You can access all of these online resources via the E-resources trials page. Access is available both on and off-campus.

Trial access ends on 30th November 2016.
**Trial has now been extended until 31st December 2016**

Women’s Magazine Archive I and II

womens-magazine-archive Continue reading