Thanks to a request from staff in History the Library is currently trialing access to 3 Brepolis databases: Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature and Aristoteles Latinus. As well as trialling access to their Cross Database Searchtool which allows you to cross search all 3 of these databases, in addition to their Library of Latin Texts, which the Library already has a subscription to.

You can access all 3 databases plus the cross search database tool via the E-resources trials page.
Trial access ends 5th August 2023.
Monumenta Germaniae Historica (eMGH)
The Monumenta Germaniae Historica was founded in 1819 by the Gesellschaft für Deutschlands ältere Geschichtskunde. It is one of the most prestigious editorial undertakings for the critical publication of medieval historical texts. In more than 300 volumes, covering the widest possible range of historical documents, divided into five major Series (Scriptores, Leges, Diplomata, Epistolae and Antiquitates) and into 33 Subseries, the Monumenta not only continues its editorial programme but it has established for all Western scholarship a standard for critical editions. Continue reading →