New E-resources Trials

Thanks to requests from students and staff in HCA the Library currently has trial access to 4 databases, covering the Middle Ages onwards.

All 4 databases can be accessed from our E-resources Trials page.

Bibliography of the History and Archaeology of Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages

This bibliography provides comprehensive coverage of all publications, in all languages, pertaining to this vast area of the European continent and its impact on European history from about 500 to the aftermath of the Mongol invasion of 1241.
Trial ends: 31 October 2024 Continue reading

On trial: Vanity Fair Archive

Thanks to a request from a HCA student the Library currently has trial access to the Vanity Fair Magazine Archive from EBSCO, which presents an extensive collection of the popular magazine in a comprehensive cover-to-cover format, dating from its very first issue in 1913.

Shows 5 different covers from Vanity Fair magazine across several years.

You can access Vanity Fair Magazine Archive via the E-resources trials page.

Trial access ends 3rd May 2024. Continue reading

New E-resources Trials

The Library has two new E-resources Trials running following requests from staff in HCA, ProQuest Historical Newspapers: ABC (1903 – 2010) and Codices Vossiani Latini Online.

Trial access to both databases ends 11th February 2024. You can access these two databases via the E-resources Trials page.

ProQuest Historical Newspapers: ABC (1903 – 2010)

Screenshot of the 'ProQuest Historical Newspapers: ABC' homepage. Continue reading

On trial: Latin American Newspapers, Series 1

Thanks to a request from HCA staff the Library currently has trial access to Latin American Newspaers: Series 1 from Readex, which allows you to explore Latin American history and culture during the 19th and 20th centuries.

You can access the Latin American Newspapers: Series 1 via the E-resources trials page.

Trial access ends 9th December 2023. Continue reading

On trial: Two databases on sexuality and LGBTQI+ history

*The Library has purchased access to module 1 from Sex & Sexuality which is the Research Collections from The Kinsey Insitute Library and Special Collections. Find out more at New to the Library: Digital archives on gender and sexuality*

Thanks to a request from staff in HCA the Library currently has trial access to two databases from AM Digital that look at sexuality and LGBTQI+ history, Gender: Identity and Social Change and Sex & Sexuality.

You can access the Gender: Identity and Social Change and Sex & Sexuality via the E-resources trials page.

Trial access ends 27th April 2023. Continue reading

On trial: British Online Archives collections

Did you know the Library currently has trial access to a number of databases from British Online Archives?

British Online Archives are one of the U.K.’s leading academic publishers. Their goal is to provide students and researchers with access to unique collections of primary source documents.  Their databases cover 1,000 years of world history, from politics and warfare to slavery and medicine.

At the Library we currently have trial access to 7 databases from BOA. All can be accessed from the E-resources Trials page:

Britannia and Eve, 1926-1957
Trial ends: 3rd March 2023

Screenshot of homepage from 'Britannia and Eve, 1926-1957'. Continue reading

On (long term) Trial: More Gale Primary Sources

During the summer the Library was able to purchase two Gale primary source databases to add to our collections: U.S. Declassified Documents Online and The Telegraph Historical Archive, 1855-2016. Because of this, Gale have offered us free long-term trial access to 7 more of their digital primary source databases through their Gale Accelerate programme.

Screenshot of Gale Primary Sources homepage with Search box.

The Library has access to these 7 databases until 12th July 2023.
They can be accessed from our E-resources trials.
They can also be accessed via the Digital Primary Source and Archive Collections guide or Newspapers, Magazines and Other News Sources guide, as appropriate.

So what do we now have access to?
(In alphabetical order) Continue reading

On trial: HNP Louisville Defender

Thanks to a request from staff in HCA the Library currently has trial access to the Louisville Defender part of ProQuest’s Historical Newspaper collections. An excellent source for coverage on issues affecting African Americans, the newspaper played an integral role in the fight for integration in the 1960s.

You can access HNP Louisville Defender via the E-resources trials page.
Access is available on and off-campus.

Trial access ends 20th October 2022. Continue reading

New to the Library: The Telegraph Historical Archive

I’m very pleased to let you know that the Library has recently purchased The Telegraph Historical Archive, 1855-2016 from Gale, the fully searchable digital archive of what was once the world’s largest-selling newspaper.

You can access The Telegraph Historical Archive, 1855-2016 via the Databases A-Z list, Newspapers, Magazines and Other News Sources guide and DiscoverEd. Continue reading

On trial: Manchuria Daily News Online

Thanks to a request from a HCA student the Library currently has trial access Manchuria Daily News Online from Brill. This resource offers scholars of the modern history of Japan in China a multifaceted view of competing Japanese agendas in the China theatre.

You can access Manchuria Daily News Online via the E-resources trials page.
Access is available on and off-campus.

Trial access ends 30th August 2022. Continue reading