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SSSA in 70 Objects: Linguistic Survey of Scotland: Gaelic grammar materials  TAGS: By Dr Teàrlach Wilson  The first time I ever visited the SSSA, I was being given a tour by my supervisor to-be. I hadn’t officially submitted an application to do …Continue reading →

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SSSA in 70 Objects: Filling the Creative Well: A Tribute to Joan W. Clark TAGS: | | | Manuscript: The Joan Clark Collection Response by: Elaine MacGillivray   Out of a thousand possible options, I have chosen to respond to the manuscript collection of Scottish botanist Joan W. …Continue reading →

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SSSA in 70 Objects: Cassette of Annie Arnott Recordings TAGS: |   Recently this object was received back to SSSA. The tape contains several recordings of Gaelic songs performed by Mrs Annie Arnott, of Skye. Born and raised in Linicro, in …Continue reading →

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SSSA in 70 Objects: A Seer Saw a Full-Rigged Ship TAGS: | | Response by Gill Russell, Artist   Material from the archives of the  School of Scottish Studies forms a central part of South West by South, An t-Eilean Fada, The Long Island: A Poetic …Continue reading →

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SSSA in 70 Objects: Puzzling Black Cats TAGS: | | | Do you suffer from paraskevidekatriaphobia or Mavrogatphobia? Perhaps don’t read on! Today is Friday, 13th August – Friday the Thirteenth! The day, it is said, that is purported to be …Continue reading →

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SSSA in 70 Objects: Two Alder Branches TAGS:   Despite this series being called The Archive in 70 Objects, we don’t actually have a great deal of artefact-type objects. We have lots of very interesting collections related to …Continue reading →

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SSSA in 70 Objects: The Tiree Clapperboard TAGS: On Sunday, August 22 1976, the School of Scottish Studies filmed an open air baptism in Tiree. This was the first baptismal service of its kind in several years and …Continue reading →

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SSSA in 70 Objects: CROW PIE: COOKERY FROM THE MACLAGAN MANUSCRIPTS TAGS: | The Maclagan Manuscripts Collected by: Elizabeth Kerr Residence: Port Charlotte Locality of Collection: Highland Reference: MML0772b Chosen by: Theresa Mackay Five years ago I was completing my MLitt dissertation at …Continue reading →

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SSSA in 70 Objects: Plants used in traditional Shetland medicine TAGS: | Contributor: Tom Tulloch Fieldworker: Alan Bruford SA Reference: SA1978.068 Chosen by: Jenny Sturgeon My chosen object is a recording of Shetlander Tom Tulloch talking with interviewer Alan Bruford. Recorded in …Continue reading →

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SSSA in 70 Objects: “No Winder You Canna Catch Fish” TAGS: | Response by: Holly Graham Recording: Up Helly Aa peats replaced by tar barrels Contributor: Katie Laurenson Fieldworker: Elizabeth Neilson Reference: SA1961.89.B74 My chosen object is a short audio extract, an excerpt of …Continue reading →

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Default utility Image Archival Provenance Project: Emily’s finds               My name is Emily, and I’m the second of the two archive interns that...
Default utility Image Archival Provenance Project: a glimpse into the university’s history through some of its oldest manuscripts               My name is Madeleine Reynolds, a fourth year PhD candidate in History of Art....


Sustainable Exhibition Making: Recyclable Book Cradles In this post, our Technician, Robyn Rogers, discusses the recyclable book cradles she has developed...
Default utility Image Giving Decorated Paper a Home … Rehousing Books and Paper Bindings In the first post of this two part series, our Collection Care Technician, Robyn Rogers,...


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