Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers

I’m pleased to let you know that a large portion of American anthropologist Ruth Benedict’s professional and personal papers are now freely available online. These have been made available by Alexander Street Press via one of their open access initiatives Anthropology Commons.

You can access the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers via the Databases A-Z list or via the Anthropology database list. Continue reading

New! The Encyclopedia of Political Thought

I’m happy to let you know that following requests from staff in Politics & International Relations the Library has purchased access to The Encyclopedia of Political Thought online from Wiley Blackwell. The Encyclopedia examines the history of political thought, contemporary political theory, and political philosophy.

You can access The Encyclopedia of Political Thought via DiscoverEd.

The Encyclopedia offers over 900 A-Z entries, including shorter definitions and biographies as well as extended treatments of major topics, from over 700 contributors from around the world. Examining the history of political thought from antiquity to contemporary political theory and political philosophy, the Encyclopedia also reflects diverse traditions in the evolution of political theory and political science. Continue reading

New! House of Lords Parliamentary Papers

I’m pleased to let you know that the Library has purchased access to the House of Lords Parliamentary Papers (1800-1910) from ProQuest. This resource provides online access to previously unseen and valuable historical documents and is the very first digitised collection of 19th century House of Lords Parliamentary Papers.

You can access the House of Lords Parliamentary Papers (1800-1910) via the Databases A-Z list.

The House of Lords Parliamentary Papers (1800-1910) is an essential research resource that, along with the existing House of Commons Parliamentary Papers database (which the Library already has access to), provides a complete picture of the working and influence of the UK Parliament during the pivotal 19th century. Continue reading

New books in the Library for Social and Political Science

Thanks to recommendations from members of staff and requests via RAB from students the Library is continually adding new books to its collections both online and in print. Here are just a (very) small number of the books that have been added to the Library’s collections in semester two, 2016/17 for the School of Social and Political Science and these demonstrate the wide range of subjects being taught, studied and researched within School.

–> Find these and more via DiscoverEd.

The crisis of the European Union: a response by Jürgen Habermas ; translated by Ciaran Cronin (shelfmark: JN40 Hab. Also available as e-book).

Women, work, and politics : the political economy of gender inequality by Torben Iversen and Frances Rosenbluth (shelfmark: HQ1236 Ive.)

The Sage handbook of resistance edited by David Courpasson and Steven Vallas (e-book).

Gandhi in political theory: truth, law and experiment by Anuradha Veeravalli (shelfmark: DS481.G3 Vee. Also available as e-book).

Traces of the future: an archaeology of medical science in Africa edited by Paul Wenzel Geissler, Guillaume Lachenal, John Manton and Noémi Tousignant ; with special contributions by Evgenia Arbugaeva and Mariele Neudecker (shelfmark: R651 Tra.)

Digital labor: the Internet as playground and factory edited by Trebor Scholz (shelfmark: HM851 Dig. Also available as e-book). Continue reading

New books in the Library for Social and Political Science

Thanks to recommendations from members of staff and requests via RAB from students the Library is continually adding new books to its collections both online and in print. Here are just a (very) small number of the books that have been added to the Library’s collections in semester one, 2016/17 for the School of Social and Political Science and these demonstrate the wide range of subjects being taught, studied and researched within School.

–> Find these and more via DiscoverEd.

digital_sociologies_bookcoverThe new Northern Irish politics? by Jonathan Tonge (shelfmark: DA990.U46 Ton.)

International humanitarian law and the changing technology of war edited by Dan Saxon (shelfmark: KZ6471 Int.)

Routledge international handbook of social work education edited by Imogen Taylor, Marion Bogo, Michelle Lefevre and Barbra Teater (e-book).

Digital sociologies edited by Jessie Daniels, Karen Gregory, Tressie McMillan Cottom (shelfmark: HM851 Dig.) Continue reading

British Politics

The Library has recently purchased back issue access to the e-journal British Politics. This now ensures that the Library has full access to this e-journal from 2006 (vol. 1) onwards.

British_Politics_journal_coverPublished by Palgrave Macmillan, British Politics is a peer-reviewed academic journal designed to promote research in British political studies. It incorporates a range of research papers and review articles from all theoretical perspectives, and on all aspects of British politics.

The Library already had access to several years of this journal via other e-journal collections, however, this purchase ensures the Library has full and permanent access to this e-journal from it’s first volume and issue onwards.

You can access British Politics via DiscoverEd.

Caroline Stirling – Academic Support Librarian for Social and Political Science

New books for Social and Political Science

Thanks to recommendations from members of staff and requests via RAB from students the Library is continually adding new books to its collections both online and in print. Here are just a small number of the books that have been added to the Library’s collections this semester for the School of Social and Political Science and these demonstrate the wide range of subjects being taught, studied and researched within School.

sexting_panic_book_coverSexting panic : rethinking criminalization, privacy, and consent by Amy Adele Hasinoff (e-book).

Russia and the new world disorder by Bobo Lo (shelfmark: JZ1616.A5 Lo. Also available as e-book.)

Why India votes? by Mukulika Banerjee and Jonathan Spencer (shelfmark: JQ292 Ban.)

Challenging child protection : new directions in safeguarding children by Lorraine Waterhouse and Janice McGhee (shelfmark: HV713 Cha.)

Becoming salmon : aquaculture and the domestication of a fish by Marianne E. Lien (shelfmark: SH167.S17 Lie. Also available as e-book.) Continue reading

*New* Bloomsbury eBook Collections

The Library has recently subscribed a number of collections in the Bloomsbury eBook Collections.

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Bloomsbury eBook Collections delivers instant access to Bloomsbury’s research publications with unlimited user access and the facility to download and print chapter PDFs without DRM (Digital rights management) restriction.

Specifically of interest to SPS are the e-book collections related to Anthropology, International Relations and Politics but other collections are available.


University of Edinburgh has access to those collections that have an open lock icon next to them.

Access is only available if you are working on-campus or are working off-campus using the VPN (Virtual Private Network).

You can access the Bloomsbury eBook Collections via the E-book Collections A-Z list or the Databases A-Z list on the Library website. The individual book titles will be added to DiscoverEd in due course.

Caroline Stirling – Academic Support Librarian for Social and Political Science


New online resource for SPS: Political Science Complete

Following a successful trial in semester two, 2014-15, the Library has subscribed to Political Science Complete a major database in the areas of politics and international relations.


Political Science Complete provides full text for more than 520 journals, and indexing and abstracts for over 2,900 titles. The database also features over 340 full-text reference books and monographs, and over 36,000 full-text conference papers, including those of the International Political Science Association. Continue reading

Can RAB help you get the book you need?

Library doesn’t have a book that you want? Did you know as a student at the University you can request the Library buys books for its collections via the RAB (Request A Book) Service?

RAB_logoLast academic year, 2013/14, the Library purchased 940 books in response to RAB requests. 134 books were ordered directly from requests from students in Social & Political Science, this made approximately 12% of the total requests from the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.

You can see a full list of all 940 titles bought by the Library through this service on the Request a book purchase for the Library.

Continue reading