New! East African Newspapers

Following a successful trial earlier this semester at the request of staff from the Centre of African Studies I’m happy to let you know the Library now has access to East African Newspapers from EastView. This resource features key newspapers from the region from the 1940s to the early 2000s.

You can access East African Newspapers via the Databases A-Z listDiscoverEd and the Newspapers, Magazines and Other News Sources guide.

The East African Newspapers collection provides insight into this region during the 20th and early 21st centuries, a time of great change for Africa. In East Africa, this time witnessed the growth of decolonization as independence movements swelled, and local, autonomous self-governance took hold throughout the region. This period was also punctuated by famine, drought, political uprisings, border disputes, and war as countries worked to navigate the post-colonial landscape. The collection includes 3 key newspapers: Daily Nation (Kenya), The Ethiopian Herald, and The Monitor (Uganda).

You can access East African Newspapers via the Databases A-Z listDiscoverEd and the Newspapers, Magazines and Other News Sources guide.

Access is only available to current students and staff at the University of Edinburgh.

Caroline Stirling – Academic Support Librarian for School of Social and Political Science

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  1. Pingback: On trial: East African Newspapers | HCA Librarian

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