trial… six months on!

We launched a trial of Enterprise in December 2019, and a lot has been achieved in the first six months.

The number of registered UoE users has increased from 121 to 217 and the number of private protocols from 36 to 106 which demonstrates a significant interest in using the platform with its additional Enterprise functionality,

We have also run a number of webinars specifically for UoE staff and students which have been well attended.

While these numbers suggest interest amongst our research community in using we have to collect better feedback before we can decide if Enterprise is to become an ongoing service provided by the University.

That is why we are now launching this short survey about which is open to all UoE research staff and students. The aim is to gather initial thoughts from our community and to identify people who may be prepared to contribute more in-depth feedback as the trial progresses.

The survey can be accessed at

To find out more about or this trial you can read this blogpost from when the trial launched:

Alternatively please visit our website, where you will also find links to all the webinars we have run:

Kerry Miller
Research Data Support Officer
Library & University Collections

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