Create your own Resource List TAGS: | | | Resource Lists @ Edinburgh uses Talis Aspire to create and manage online reading lists. Create your resource list using Talis Aspire, include the additional information requested by the Library and …Continue reading →

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Learn how to use Resource Lists in your own time TAGS: | | |   During our workshops we run through a series of tasks to familiarise attendees with creating, editing, and managing resource lists. If you are unable to attend one of our …Continue reading →

Resource List Video Tutorials TAGS: | | | | Resource Lists @ Edinburgh now have a series of short video tutorials! Taking on board feedback received at workshops, demonstrations, one on one catchups, and email correspondence, we have attempted …Continue reading →

Tuesday Tips – Sharing Bookmarks TAGS: | | Did you know that you can share bookmarks that you have created with your colleagues? When you create a bookmark, either to add directly to a resource list or for …Continue reading →

Tuesday Tips – Exporting your Dashboard TAGS: | | Recently we looked at how you can get the most from your Dashboard but did you know you can also export your Dashboard into a PDF to share with colleagues? …Continue reading →

Talis Aspire Resource List news: promoting resource lists to students TAGS: | | | | | Use the Resource List tool in Learn and Moodle to promote your Resource List to students. We have found that academics responsible for each of the top ten most viewed …Continue reading →

Getting the most out of your Resource List: Dashboard TAGS: | | Did you know that Resource Lists @ Edinburgh (using Talis Aspire) includes a  Dashboard with feedback on how often your resource list is being used and which items on your …Continue reading →

How to use Resource Lists @ Edinburgh – A guide for students TAGS: | | We now have around 300 published resource lists for courses across the university and as this number steadily grows so too does the number of students now accessing readings and resources …Continue reading →

Managing and publishing your Resource List TAGS: | | Library Learning Services and our interns have been working hard to transfer your reading lists on to Resource Lists @ Edinburgh. But once this process is complete and the lists have …Continue reading →

Linking to the hierarchy and why it is important TAGS: | | Once a list has been published on Resource Lists @ Edinburgh it is ESSENTIAL that the list is then linked to the hierarchy. What is the hierarchy? The hierarchy is …Continue reading →

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Default utility Image Archival Provenance Project: Emily’s finds               My name is Emily, and I’m the second of the two archive interns that...
Default utility Image Archival Provenance Project: a glimpse into the university’s history through some of its oldest manuscripts               My name is Madeleine Reynolds, a fourth year PhD candidate in History of Art....


Sustainable Exhibition Making: Recyclable Book Cradles In this post, our Technician, Robyn Rogers, discusses the recyclable book cradles she has developed...
Default utility Image Giving Decorated Paper a Home … Rehousing Books and Paper Bindings In the first post of this two part series, our Collection Care Technician, Robyn Rogers,...


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