We’re now in week three of semester one, and by this point we’ve been able to conduct introductory ‘Using the Library’ presentations for undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD level students. If you weren’t able to attend the sessions at the time you will be able to catch up by watching the videos which we’ve uploaded to our Media Hopper Channel, here:
Law Librarian Resources Media Hopper Channel

Screen grab of the Law Librarian Media Hopper front page.
If you click in to the video that interests you you will also find the slides used for our presentation by clicking on the ‘attachments’ tab.
We intend to continue to upload useful videos on our channel throughout the year, including training and walkthroughs of using our databases, DiscoverEd, Referencing for Law, using reference managers, and any other relevant pieces of training or help we can offer. If you’ve got anything you’d like to see us include please let us know by leaving a comment or emailing law.librarian@ed.ac.uk.