*The Library now has access to these two resource. See Archives abound in Archives Unbound*
I’m pleased to let you know that we currently have trial access to two online primary source collections from Archives Unbound that may be of particular interest to those looking at the Second World War and related subjects. The two collections are The Jewish Question: Records from the Berlin Document Centre and Nazism in Poland: The diary of Governor-General Hans Fran.
You can access both of these collections via the E-resources trials page. Access is available on and off-campus.
Trial access ends 15th February 2017.
The Jewish Question: Records from the Berlin Document Centre
This collection comprises documents from a wide variety of sources, including the Gestapo, local police and government offices, Reich ministries, businesses, etc., pertaining to Jewish communities. There are reports on the “Aryanisation” of Jewish firms and property; monthly reports on the assets of Jewish individuals and firms and related correspondence; valuations of jewelry and other property seized by the SA from Jews in Bremen and other cities, 1938-1939; Nazi Party correspondence and reports on the liquidation of Jewish assets; correspondence of the International Red Cross concerning the Jewish inmates of Theresienstadt (Terezin), 1943-45; correspondence concerning the demolition of synagogues; anti-Jewish propaganda in Germany and elsewhere, 1902-1931, and much more.
These records are organized into various sub-collections, and Ordner, or folders, and include newspaper clippings, letters, manuscripts, pamphlets, reports and other documents originating with the Sturmabteilung (SA), Schutzstaffel (SS), Gestapo, Reich Ministry of Justice, and Reichskulturkammer (RKK, Reich Chamber of Culture) from 1920-1945.
Nazism in Poland: The diary of Governor-General Hans Fran.

Defendant Hans Frank, the former Governor General of the Polish occupied territories, in his cell at the International Military Tribunal trial of war criminals at Nuremberg. [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3AHans_Frank.jpg)
A personal legal advisor to Adolf Hitler, Frank became the Governor-General of occupied Poland after the outbreak of World War II. A senior Nazi official for much of the Third Reich it was his role as Governor-General in Poland that led to his being put on trial at Nuremberg and ultimately sentenced to death.
The Library already subscribes to 9 other collections via Archives Unbound, you can access these through the Databases A-Z list.
The two trials mentioned can be accessed via e-resources trials.
Access available until 15th February 2017.
Feedback welcome.
Access is only available to current students and staff at University of Edinburgh.
Caroline Stirling – Academic Support Librarian for History, Classics and Archaeology