Thanks to recommendations from members of staff and requests via RAB from students the Library is continually adding new books to its collections both online and in print. Here are just a (very) small number of the books that have been added to the Library’s collections in semester one, 2016/17 for the School of History, Classics and Archaeology and these demonstrate the wide range of subjects being taught, studied and researched within School.
–> Find these and more via DiscoverEd.
Iron age hillfort defences and the tactics of sling warfare by Peter Robertson (shelfmark: GN780.22.G7 Rob.)
The Children’s Crusade: medieval history, modern mythistory by Gary Dickson (Shelfmark: D169 Dic. Also available as e-book).
Masculinity, class and same-sex desire in industrial England, 1895-1957 by Helen Smith (Shelfmark: HQ1090.7.G7 Smi.)
The vanquished: why the First World War failed to end, 1917-1923 by Robert Gerwarth (Shelfmark: D521 Ger.)
M.I. 5: the origin and history of the British counter-espionage service by John Bulloch (Shelfmark: UB251.G7 Bul.)
Greek satyr play : five studies by Mark Griffith (Available at PA3160 Gri. Also available as e-book).
The wartime journals by Hugh Trevor-Roper ; edited by Richard Davenport-Hines (Shelfmark: D810.S8 Tre.)
South Asia’s modern history : thematic perspectives by Michael Mann (e-book).
Ancient Greece from Homer to Alexander : the evidence by Joseph Roisman ; translations by J. C. Yardley (Shelfmark: DF12 Roi. Also available as e-book).
Megalithic quarrying: sourcing, extracting and manipulating the stones edited by Chris Scarre (Shelfmark: Folio GN790 Int.)
Revolutions: a very short introduction by Jack A. Goldstone (Shelfmark: D21.3 Gol.)
Under the black umbrella : voices from colonial Korea, 1910-1945 by Hildi Kang (Shelfmark: DS916.54 Kan. Also available as e-book).
A neolithic ceremonial complex in Galloway : excavations at Dunragit and Droughduil, 1999-2002 by Julian Thomas (Shelfmark: Folio GN776.22.G7 Tho.)
Crossing the color line : race, sex, and the contested politics of colonialism in Ghana by Carina E. Ray (Available at DT510.4 Ray. Also available as e-book).
Driven from home : North Carolina’s Civil War refugee crisis by David Silkenat (Available at E573 Sil.)
Cities and saints : Sufism and the transformation of urban space in medieval Anatolia by Ethel Sara Wolper (shelfmark: NA1363 Wol.)
Fernàndez de Oviedo’s Chronicle of America : a new history for a new world by Kathleen Ann Myers ; translated by Nina M. Scott. (Available at E141.O96 Mye. Also available as e-book).
The Pantokrator Monastery in Constantinople edited by Sofia Kotzabassi (e-book).
M.N. Roy: Marxism and colonial cosmopolitanism by Kris Manjapra (shelfmark: DS481.R6 Man.)
Defining genre and gender in Latin literature : essays presented to William S. Anderson on his seventy-fifth birthday edited by William Batstone & Garth Tissol (shelfmark: PA6011 Def.)
Colony in conflict : the Hong Kong disturbances, May 1967-January 1968 by John Cooper (shelfmark: DS796.H7 Coo.)
You can find all of these books and the many more that are available for supporting teaching, learning and research in History, Classics and Archaeology via DiscoverEd. E-books are only available to current students and staff at the University of Edinburgh.
Caroline Stirling – Academic Support Librarian for School of History, Classics and Archaeology