This is the Digital Imaging Units final instalment of images from the Centre for Research Collections Baldwin Brown images of “Old Edinburgh”. Many thanks to those who have responded with information regarding geographical locations and general information. The feed back has been very welcome and useful! This set has a few obvious locations but yet more mystery. We will add the data collected to our metadata records for the images enriching that data for continued research.
Malcolm Brown
I am unsure if you are looking for location ID or not. Top photo is clearly Greyfriars. The second image is of Calton Road looking towards Holyrood Palace but you are showing this is reverse similar to the ones you have shown of Mylnes Court on other pages. I have reversed the image on your Facebook page. The third photograph is the corner of High School Wynd and the Cowgate opposite Blackfriars Street. The 5th photo is the Covenanters Memorial in Greyfriars – the original memorial was erected in 1706 but only with the understanding by Edinburgh Council that there was no inscription. The one seen here today was erected in1771 or so I think. I’ll get back on the other two. Fraser, Lost Edinburgh.
Thanks Fraser- that is really helpful!
Final photograph above is a fantastic shot of Chessel’s Buildings, Canongate. Datewise, it is after 1876 because small extension in the foreground does not feature in the 1876 OS map but does on the 1893 one.
Fourth photograph down was subject of great debate on ‘Lost Edinburgh’. Location correctly identified as Reid’s Court, Canongate. Stone Gate Posts are still there today although the whole tenement has disappeared. This was replaced by post war housing designed by Basil Spence (I think).