LGBT Magazine Archive: Trial access

*The Library now has access to LGBT Magazine Archive until 31st July 2024. See New! LGBT Magazine Archive*

I’m happy to let you know that just in time for LGBT History Month the Library currently has trial access to the LGBT Magazine Archive from ProQuest. This new primary source database is a searchable archive of major periodicals devoted to LGBT+ interests, dating from the 1950s through to recent years.

You can access this digital resource via the E-resources trials page.
Access on-campus is direct, for off-campus access you must use VPN.

Trial access ends 28th February 2019. Continue reading

General Election 2015: recommended resources

It’s hard to miss that today, Thursday 7th May 2015, the UK is going to the polls to vote in the General Election. Have you voted yet?

We’ve pulled together just a small selection of Library resources and external sources that you may find useful if you are interested in elections and the election process in general or specifically in the UK General Election 2015.

What do the papers say?

newspaper_image_1Although traditional news outlets are seen as less influential these days they still matter and have been extensively covering the General Election.

Factiva (off-campus access requires VPN) and NexisUK (click “Academic sign-in” and choose “UK federation”) allow you to search and access the full text of a large number of UK and international newspapers to find out how they have been covering the General Election. Read full text articles, compare how different newspapers are covering the same issues and stories, track the coverage of the General Election from the beginning and more. You can also use Lexis Library to specifically look at UK newspapers.

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