Thanks to recommendations from members of staff and requests via RAB from students the Library is continually adding new books to its collections both online and in print. Here are just a small number of the books that have been added to the Library’s collections in October 2014 for Social and Political Science.
Sexuality, rurality, and geography edited by Andrew Gorman-Murray, Barbara Pini, and Lia Bryant (e-book).
India’s Foreign Policy edited by Kanti P. Bajpai and Harsh V. Pant (shelfmark: DS480.853 Ind.)
Statistical Modeling and Inference for Social Science by Sean Gailmard (shelfmark: HA29 Gai.)
Effective writing for social work making a difference by Lucy Rai (shelfmark: PN146 Rai.)
The Buganda factor in Uganda politics by Phares Mukasa Mutibwa (shelfmark: DT433.29.B8 Mut.)
Limits of Gendered Citizenship: contexts and complexities edited by Elżbieta H. Oleksy, Jeff Hearn, and Dorota Golańska (e-book). Continue reading →