New books for Social and Political Science

Thanks to recommendations from members of staff and requests via RAB from students the Library is continually adding new books to its collections both online and in print. Here are just a small number of the books that have been added to the Library’s collections this semester for the School of Social and Political Science and these demonstrate the wide range of subjects being taught, studied and researched within School.

sexting_panic_book_coverSexting panic : rethinking criminalization, privacy, and consent by Amy Adele Hasinoff (e-book).

Russia and the new world disorder by Bobo Lo (shelfmark: JZ1616.A5 Lo. Also available as e-book.)

Why India votes? by Mukulika Banerjee and Jonathan Spencer (shelfmark: JQ292 Ban.)

Challenging child protection : new directions in safeguarding children by Lorraine Waterhouse and Janice McGhee (shelfmark: HV713 Cha.)

Becoming salmon : aquaculture and the domestication of a fish by Marianne E. Lien (shelfmark: SH167.S17 Lie. Also available as e-book.) Continue reading

New books for Social and Political Science: July 2015

Thanks to recommendations from members of staff and requests via RAB from students the Library is continually adding new books to its collections both online and in print. Here are just a small number of the books that have been added to the Library’s collections in July 2015 for Social and Political Science and these demonstrate the wide range of subjects being studied and researched within School.

envisioning_utopias_book_coverEnvisioning real utopias by Erik Olin Wright (shelfmark: HX73 Wri.)

Inmates’ Narratives and Discursive Discipline in Prison : Rewriting personal histories through cognitive behavioral programs by Jennifer A. Schlosser (e-book)

Illegality, inc.: clandestine migration and the business of bordering Europe by Ruben Andersson (shelfmark: JV8259.Z6 And.)

Social policy in the European Union by Karen M. Anderson (shelfmark: HN373.5 And.) Continue reading

*New* Bloomsbury eBook Collections

The Library has recently subscribed a number of collections in the Bloomsbury eBook Collections.

[SCM]actwin,0,0,0,0;Bloomsbury Collections - Available Collections - Google Chrome chrome 05/08/2015 , 15:27:26

Bloomsbury eBook Collections delivers instant access to Bloomsbury’s research publications with unlimited user access and the facility to download and print chapter PDFs without DRM (Digital rights management) restriction.

Specifically of interest to SPS are the e-book collections related to Anthropology, International Relations and Politics but other collections are available.


University of Edinburgh has access to those collections that have an open lock icon next to them.

Access is only available if you are working on-campus or are working off-campus using the VPN (Virtual Private Network).

You can access the Bloomsbury eBook Collections via the E-book Collections A-Z list or the Databases A-Z list on the Library website. The individual book titles will be added to DiscoverEd in due course.

Caroline Stirling – Academic Support Librarian for Social and Political Science


New books for Social and Political Science: May-June 2015

Thanks to recommendations from members of staff and requests via RAB from students the Library is continually adding new books to its collections both online and in print. Here are just a small number of the books that have been added to the Library’s collections in May and June 2015 for Social and Political Science and these demonstrate the wide range of subjects being studied and researched within School.

government_next_door_book_coverThe government next door: neighborhood politics in urban China by Luigi Tomba (shelfmark: HT147.C48 Tom.)

George Padmore and decolonization from below: pan-Africanism, the Cold War, and the end of empire by Leslie James (shelfmark: DT30 Jam. Also available as e-book.)

The self by Constantine Sedikides and Steven Spencer (e-book).

Land and Desire in Early Zionism by Boaz Neumann (shelfmark: DS149 Neu. Also available as e-book.) Continue reading

New books for Social and Political Science: April 2015

Thanks to recommendations from members of staff and requests via RAB from students the Library is continually adding new books to its collections both online and in print. Here are just a small number of the books that have been added to the Library’s collections in April 2015 for Social and Political Science.

city_is_ours_book_coverThe city is ours : squatting and autonomous movements in Europe from the 1970s to the present edited by Bart van der Steen, Ask Katzeff and Leendert van Hoogenhuijze (shelfmark: HD7287.96.E85 Cit.)

Small states and international security : Europe and beyond edited by Clive Archer, Alyson J.K. Bailes and Anders Wivel (shelfmark: JC365 Sma. Also available as e-book.)

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Olive Schreiner Letters Online

IFOlive Schreiner was an author, feminist and social theorist. Although she received no formal education Schreiner would become one of the most important social commentators of her day.

olive_schreiner_picHer writings include allegories, social theory and novels. One of her most famous novels, The Story of an African Farmer (1883, originally published under the pseudonym Ralph Iron), “secured her reputation as an evocative storyteller, a daring and perceptive freethinker, and feminist” (from Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Online).

The Olive Schreiner Letters Online provides you with access to transcriptions of Schreiner’s more than 4800 extant letters located in archives across Europe, the US and South Africa, with detailed editorial notes and background information, thanks to the Olive Schreiner Letters Project. The transcripts include insertions and deletions, omissions and spelling mistakes – so just as Schreiner wrote them. The letters are fully searchable and guides to the archival locations of all her letters are also available.

If you are interested in political history, socialism, feminism, women’s or gender studies, colonialism, imperialism in southern Africa, political and economic change in South Africa after the First World War and much, much more then this is a fascinating resource.

The Olive Schreiner Letters Online ( is a freely available resource. It can also be accessed via the Databases pages on the Library website.

The Library holds a number of Schreiner’s books in its collections – Olive Schreiner works in Library (e-books are only available to students and staff at University of Edinburgh).

Caroline Stirling – Academic Support Librarian for Social and Political Science

New books for Social and Political Science: March 2015

Thanks to recommendations from members of staff and requests via RAB from students the Library is continually adding new books to its collections both online and in print. Here are just a small number of the books that have been added to the Library’s collections in March 2015 for Social and Political Science.

unexpected_alliances_book_coverPolarization and Transformation in Zimbabwe : social movements, strategy dilemmas and change by Erin McCandless (e-book)

Unexpected Alliances : independent filmmakers, the state, and the film industry in postauthoritarian South Korea by Young-a Park (shelfmark: PN1993.5.K6 Par.)

The neoliberal regime in the agri-food sector : crisis, resilience, and restructuring edited by Steven A. Wolf and Alessandro Bonanno (shelfmark: HD9000.6 Neo. Also available as e-book.)

The great humanists : an introduction by Jonathan Arnold (e-book) Continue reading

New books for Social and Political Science: February 2015

Thanks to recommendations from members of staff and requests via RAB from students the Library is continually adding new books to its collections both online and in print. Here are just a small number of the books that have been added to the Library’s collections in February 2015 for Social and Political Science.

industrializing_organisms_book_coverIndustrializing organisms : introducing evolutionary history edited by Susan R. Schrepfer and Philip Scranton (shelfmark: S494.5.B563 Ind.)

Alcohol and moral regulation : public attitudes, spirited measures and Victorian hangovers by Henry Yeomans (e-book)

Mind Change : how digital technologies are leaving their mark on our brains by Susan Greenfield (shelfmark: BF311 Gre.) Continue reading

New books for Social and Political Science: December 2014

Thanks to recommendations from members of staff and requests via RAB from students the Library is continually adding new books to its collections both online and in print. Here are just a small number of the books that have been added to the Library’s collections in December 2014 and early January 2015 for Social and Political Science.

understanding_political_science_research_methodsUnderstanding political science research methods : the challenge of inference by Maryann Barakso, Daniel M. Sabet and Brian F. Schaffner (shelfmark: JA86 Bar. Also available as e-book).

The wellbeing of nations : meaning, motive and measurement by Paul Allin and David J. Hand (e-book)

Government of Development : peasants and politicians in postcolonial Tanzania by Leander Schneider (shelfmark: HN797.Z9 Sch.) Continue reading

How the Library can help you in Semester Two?

Need help using or discovering Library resources? Need advice on referencing and citing? Not sure where to start with your systematic literature review? Or just want to know how to best use Google in an academic context? 

Main Library Study Area 01The Academic Support Librarian team are running several courses this semester through IS Skills which you can book onto via MyEd. These (mostly) 1 hour sessions allow you to get expert advice and hands-on experience, so whether you are a returning to the University after the winter vacation or are a brand new student at the University why not book on and become an expert yourself?

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