Trial access to the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics

The Library currently has trial access to the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics.

The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics includes more than 500 articles by renowned scholars from all over the world. Peer-reviewed and frequently updated, articles feature a wide array of resources, including audio-visual materials, links to digital archives, datasets, and other pedagogical tools.

From morphology to neurolinguistics, semantics to sociolinguistics and sign languages, the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics aims to map, over time, the entire landscape of the world’s languages, weaving together the various historical, theoretical, and experimental approaches that make up the field of linguistics.

Access to the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics is available on the Library Databases – E-Resources Trials page. Trial access is available until 18th February 2024. Please remember to give us feedback to help us make a decision about subscribing using the E-resources Trial Feedback Form.

Mango Languages – online language courses for trial

The University Library has arranged a free trial of an online language learning resource called “Mango Languages”. The service offers online interactive courses for learning over 70 languages, including almost all those that are taught at our University:

Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), Danish, Finnish, French, Gaelic (Scottish), German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Swahili, Turkish, as well as Shakespeare English!

Mango Languages

It consists of two types of resources: Mango Conversations teaches through native-speaker dialogue, cultural insights, and critical thinking exercises, while Mango Premiere teaches foreign languages through the dialogue and culture found in full-length international films. Proprietary technology includes interactive subtitles and colour coding which allow learners t easily understand meaning, word order, and grammatical structures. Applications for mobile devices are also available through Google Play and App Store.

The trial is from now until 31 October 2016.

For access, please go to the Library’s e-resources trial website at , or go to trial link directly, EASE login is required:

Happy learning!