Tag Archives: databases

Web of Science – New KCI Korean Journal Database

kci-lrghdrFollowing last week’s upgrade to Web of Science, we now have access to the New KCI Korean Journal Database. The KCI Korean Journal Database is a searchable repository of literature from Korea and is available for selection listed on the drop down ‘Search’ list.

The KCI Korean Journal Database provides a comprehensive snapshot of the most influential regional content from researchers in South Korea. Using citation connections from the Web of Science™, regional work is framed within the broader context of global research.

Further information at:


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Further information about our databases can be found at http://www.ed.ac.uk/schools-departments/information-services/library-museum-gallery/finding-resources/library-databases

Trial – British Newspaper Archive

BNWS_bannerrightWe have trial access to the full content of the British Newspapers Archive until 30th November.

The British Newspapers 1600-1950 is the most significant digital collection of British historic newspapers. New conservation and imaging techniques and a new cross-searchable platform adopted by the British Library offers unparalleled access and discoverability to this valuable historical and cultural archive. In addition one will find specially commissioned essays and contextual materials written by expert scholars intended to help non-specialist users with perspective and analysis.

Feedback and further info

We are interested to know what you think of this database as your comments influence purchase decisions so please do fill out our feedback form.

A list of all trials currently available to University of Edinburgh staff and students can be found on our trials webpage.

Trial – Historical Texts

other logoWe have trial access to Historical Texts a database which brings together three historically significant collections for the first time: Early English Books Online (EEBO), Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO) and 65,000 texts from the British Library 19th Century collection.  Access is available until the 10th October.

Feedback and further info

We are interested to know what you think of this database as your comments influence purchase decisions so please do fill out our feedback form.

A list of all trials currently available to University of Edinburgh staff and students can be found on our trials webpage.

Trial -19th Century Masterfile


We have trial access to 19th Century Masterfile  database which contains over 8 million citations and over 60 indexes covering books, newspapers, patents and government documents published during the 19th and early 20th centuries.  Further info about the database contents is at http://paratext.com/pdf/2014ncmcontentlist.pdf

Access the database on campus or off campus via the VPN until 4th October.

Feedback and further info

We are interested to know what you think of this database as your comments influence purchase decisions so please do fill out our feedback form.

A list of all trials currently available to University of Edinburgh staff and students can be found on our trials webpage.

Congressional Record – New Database

ProQuest logoWe have purchased the Congressional Record database from ProQuest.

ProQuest Congressional is a comprehensive online collection of primary source congressional publications and legislative research materials covering all topics, including government, current events, politics, economics, business, science and technology, international relations, social issues, finance, insurance, and medicine. Finding aid for congressional hearings, committee prints, committee reports and documents from 1970-present, and the daily Congressional Record from 1985-present. Compiled legislative histories from 1969-present.

The database has been added to our A-Z list and our History A-Z list and will appear on the catalogue soon.

Further information about our databases is available from http://www.ed.ac.uk/schools-departments/information-services/library-museum-gallery/finding-resources/library-databases.



Engineering Village – additional content

EV-logoWe have increased the coverage available in our Compendex and Inspec databases which are hosted on the Engineering Village platform.

Previously we only had access to the archive content of the databases, now our access is to all available records.

  • Compendex is now 1884 to the present.
  • Inspec is now 1896 to the present.


Further information about our databases is available from http://www.ed.ac.uk/schools-departments/information-services/library-museum-gallery/finding-resources/library-databases.

SAE Technical Papers – new e-resource

The Library now subscribes to the full collection of SAE Technical Papers available within the SAE Digital Library.  This provides access to over 90,000 technical papers from the Society of Automotive Engineers, ranging from 1906 to the present day.  Papers are available in the fields of design engineering, aerospace sae-international-84engineering, advanced materials, power and propulsion, transportation, tests and testing, fuels, energy sources, safety etc.


A full list of our databases is available at http://www.ed.ac.uk/schools-departments/information-services/library-museum-gallery/finding-resources/library-databases/databases-a-z

Accessible Archives – new database

Accessible Archives has been added to our A-Z list of databases – Eyewitness accounts of accessible archives logohistorical events, vivid descriptions of daily life, editorial observations, commerce as seen through advertisements, and genealogical records. Includes archives from African American Newspapers, American County Histories, Civil War archives and many other eighteenth and nineteenth century newspaper and journal archives.

A full list of the collections and coverage is available at http://www.accessible-archives.com/collections/


GeoRef and GeoScience World now available

GSW_rectangleGeoRef and GeoScienceWorld have now been added to our General A-Z list and Geosciences A-Z list.

GeoRef contains 3.4 million bibliographic records to the geosciences literature. Over 3,500 journals are reviewed for indexing in the GeoRef database as well as books, maps, government reports, conference papers, theses and dissertations.  It is hosted on the GeoScienceWorld platform where we now have access to the full text of 45 e-journals published by 28 publishers.  A list of these can be browsed here and have been added to our catalogue and Searcher.



Oxford Bibliographies – new modules purchased


Our existing Oxford Bibliographies collection has been expanded so we now have access to modules in Buddhism, Chinese Studies, Cinema & Media Studies, Classics, Islamic Studies, Latin American Studies, Medieval Studies, Philosophy, Victorian Literature.

Further information about our databases is available from http://www.ed.ac.uk/schools-departments/information-services/library-museum-gallery/finding-resources/library-databases.