Tag Archives: American Antiquarian Society

Trials – New E-Resources on Trial

These new trials are now available…

access latinAccess Latin America from Newsbank is on trial until 27th March.  Access Latin America provides indepth coverage of local and regional issues and events via news sources from South America, Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and U.S. territories. These daily and weekly newspapers, wire services and broadcast transcripts chronicle local issues and events at their source and provide revealing local perspectives on national and international issues.


logoAnnual Review of Linguistics – this new e-journal is on trial for the whole of 2015.  It will cover significant developments in the field of linguistics, including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and their interfaces. Reviews will synthesize advances in linguistic theory, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, language change, biology and evolution of language, typology, as well as applications of linguistics in many domains.


NCCO A Asia and the West: Diplomacy and Cultural Exchange from Gale Cengage is on trial until 25th March.  It features primary source collections related to international relations between Asian countries and the West during the 19th century. These invaluable documents—many never before available—include government reports, diplomatic correspondences, periodicals, newspapers, treaties, trade agreements, NGO papers, and more. Documents are sourced from The National Archives, Kew; The National Archives, United States; and other collections.


NCCO BTBritish Theatre, Music and the Arts from Gale Cengage is on trial until 25th March.  It features a wide range of primary sources related to the arts in the nineteenth century, from playbills and scripts to operas and complete scores. These rare documents, many of them never before available, are sourced from the British Library and other institutions. Curation is by experts in British arts history. Covering more than a century, and encompassing both the Georgian and Victorian theatre.


caribbeanCaribbean Newspapers, Series 1, 1718-1876 from the American Antiquarian Society and Readex is on trial until 27th March.  Caribbean Newspapers, 1718-1876—the largest online collection of 18th- and 19th-century newspapers published in this region—will provide a comprehensive primary resource for studying the development of Western society and international relations within this important group of islands.  This unique resource will prove essential for researching colonial history, the Atlantic slave trade, international commerce, New World slavery and U.S. relations with the region as far back as the early 18th century


IFThe Encyclopedia of Political Thought is on trial until 25th March- see full information about this e-resource over at the SPS Blog.


FBISForeign Broadcast Information Services (FBIS) Daily Reports: Latin America, 1974-1996 from Readex is on trial until 27th March.  As the United States’ principal historical record of political open source intelligence for more than half a century, the Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Daily Report is an indispensable source for insights into decades of turbulent world history. The original mission of the FBIS was to monitor, record, transcribe and translate intercepted radio broadcasts from foreign governments, official news services, and clandestine broadcasts from occupied territories. Accordingly, it provides a wealth of information from all countries outside of the U.S.—from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe – only the Latin American module is available for this trial but we already have access to other modules.


latinLatin American Newspapers, Series 1 and 2, 1805-1922 from Readex is on trial until 27th March.  This newspaper package offers unprecedented coverage of the people, issues and events that shaped this vital region during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Featuring titles from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela and a dozen other countries, these resources provide a wide range of viewpoints from diverse Latin American cultures. Together, both series of Latin American Newspapers chronicles the evolution of Latin America over two centuries through eyewitness reporting, editorials, legislative information, letters, poetry, advertisements, obituaries and other items.


NCCO PPhotography: The World Through the Lens from Gale Cengage is on trial until 25th March.  Including images from Britain, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas, Photography: The World through the Lens assembles collections of photographs, photograph albums, photographically illustrated books and texts on the early history of photography from libraries and archives from across the globe.


Feedback and further info

We are interested to know what you think of these e-resources as your comments influence purchase decisions so please fill out our feedback form.

A list of all trials currently available to University of Edinburgh staff and students can be found on our trials webpage.