China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) database platform access issue

Access to the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) database platform via and is temporarily unavailable. This includes access to the following databases:

China Academic Journals (CAJ)
Century Journals Project (CJP)
China Doctors/Masters Dissertations (CDMD)
China Core Newspapers (CCND)
Conference Proceedings of China (CPCD)
China Reference Works Online (CRWO)
China Yearbooks Fulltext Database (CYFD)
China Statistical Yearbooks Database (CSYD)
China Monographic Series Database (CMSD)

The publisher apologises for the interruption in services, and we will send out a notice as soon as access is restored.  ACCESS RESTORED.

2 thoughts on “China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) database platform access issue


    Good evening,
    I am a student from Moray house school of education. I am doing my course essay about designing a programme of SLTE in my context, Chinese SLTE. So I hope I could have the access to CNKI which is the database covers most of the Chinese academic publishing.

    Thanks and best regards,


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