Women students 1870s-1890s

Women were only allowed to graduate from the University following measures put in place following the Universities (Scotland) Act, 1889. The first female undergraduates at Edinburgh were admitted in 1892 and eight graduated in 1893, all of them having previously studied at classes given by the Edinburgh Association for the University Education for Women. By 1914 a thousand women had degrees from Edinburgh University.

Women were not totally excluded prior to this and over 140 awards of Certificate in Arts were made 1876-1894. We have added details of these students to our growing online database of students at http://www.archives.lib.ed.ac.uk/students/


One thought on “Women students 1870s-1890s

  1. Nicholas Jacob

    Hi your online database http://www.archives.lib.ed.ac.uk/students/ does not seem to work?

    I am trying to find out when my Great Aunt “Grace Helen Jacob” (1867-1941) graduated from Edinburgh University.

    She continued to live in Edinburgh until her death and is listed as a maker of Biological Specimens so I wonder if she continued to work for the University.

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