Research Data Service highlights to report: August to December 2016

Research Data Service

New Research Data Service Website

The Research Data Service’s redesigned website was released in December.  The new website is more accessible and includes new and updated content in support of RDM. The new website can be visited at

RDM Forum Meetings

There were two RDM forum meeting held during the autumn term (7 September and 23 November). This is part of a collaborative effort that Çuna Ekmekcioglu (L&UC) and Jacqueline McMahon and Ewa Lipinska (College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences) organised to invite staff from CAHSS and other Colleges and Schools to meet and have discussions about RDM activities, and how these can be supported. There were almost 25 people in attendance for each meeting with another one scheduled for 28 March 2017.

A RDM forum SharePoint site has also been created to accommodate RDM resources including papers, presentation slides, work flow diagrams, guides and a collection of sample data management plans.


The Research Data Service welcomed visitors from seven universities during the autumn term with two visits from Kyoto University.

The purpose of their visits was to learn more about the services and resources we provide in support of research data management at the University of Edinburgh. The Digital Curation Centre (DCC) and senior IS staff also participated during some of the visits, which included meetings, presentations and tours.

  • Nanyang Technological University: 3 – 4 August
  • University of Auckland: 14 September
  • Kyoto University (National Institute of Informatics): 26 September
  • Malmö University: 10 – 11 October
  • University College Cork: 21 September
  • John Hopkins University: 21 September
  • Kyoto University (Kyoto University Library): 26 October
  • University of Malaya: 22 November

Data Management Planning

DMPonline had 57 new registered users and was used to create 115 data management plans (DMPs); in total, 256 DMPs were created in 2016.

There were 25 data management plan consultations from August to December.

Data Management Support


A total of 1,817 learners enrolled for the 5-week RDMS MOOC rolling course from August to December, with a total of 5,466 learners enrolled for the year (2016); the MOOC started in March 2016.

2016 concluded with 22,544 MANTRA sessions recorded for the year, slightly lower than in 2015, when MANTRA had 22,950 sessions.

Active Data Infrastructure


Active users remained consistent throughout the 2016 year with data stored on a steady rise. There was a natural decline over the summer break, which has been observed in previous years.

In 2016, the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (CAHSS) activity was distinct from other Colleges with a spike in usage.


DataSync usage includes the following stats that were reported at the end of 2016:

  • Number of active users: 1,740
  • Number of distinct clients (IPs 2017): 5,423
  • Total DataSync storage: 3TB
  • Number of mappings to DataStore areas: 294

Data Stewardship


In 2016, 326 Pure records for datasets were created, which surpass the number of records created in 2014 (31) and 2015 (32).


202 datasets were deposited into DataShare.


DataVault closed the year with 21 deposits for 2016. There was a soft release of DataVault in February 2016 and plans are to commit resources to DataVault so that there can be a release in mid 2017.

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