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Academic teaching staff: tell us about your Resource List (Talis Aspire) experience TAGS: | | | | Survey Library Learning Services is running a survey aimed at academic teaching and support staff currently using Resource Lists @ Edinburgh (using Talis Aspire). Big changes In 2015/16 we introduced …Continue reading →

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June Baker Trust – Emerging Conservator Grant TAGS: | | In this week’s blog post, we hear from Project Conservator, Emily Hick, who recently carried out a self-led continuing professional development project at the CRC, which was funded by the …Continue reading →

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LibQUAL+ 2015 TAGS: | | During October and November (19 October- 15 November) the Library will take part in the LibQUAL+ survey. Complete the survey and you could win a Blackwell’s or High Street voucher …Continue reading →

Complete the Library survey TAGS: | | | If you have been randomly selected to participate in the survey, you will have now received two emails containing a link to the survey. Please take 15 minutes to complete  …Continue reading →

The Library Quality Survey 2013 TAGS: | | During October and November (21October- 18 November) the Library will take part in the LibQUAL+ survey.  Complete the survey and you could win an iPad mini. On 21st October undergraduates, …Continue reading →

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Default utility Image Archival Provenance Project: Emily’s finds               My name is Emily, and I’m the second of the two archive interns that...
Default utility Image Archival Provenance Project: a glimpse into the university’s history through some of its oldest manuscripts               My name is Madeleine Reynolds, a fourth year PhD candidate in History of Art....


Sustainable Exhibition Making: Recyclable Book Cradles In this post, our Technician, Robyn Rogers, discusses the recyclable book cradles she has developed...
Default utility Image Giving Decorated Paper a Home … Rehousing Books and Paper Bindings In the first post of this two part series, our Collection Care Technician, Robyn Rogers,...


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