Home University of Edinburgh Library Essentials
September 19, 2024
If you have been randomly selected to participate in the survey, you will have now received two emails containing a link to the survey.
Please take 15 minutes to complete the survey and tell us what you think of the Library service. Your feedback is incredibly important to us. We analyse all your comments and suggestions and use them to inform our decisions on how to improve the service we provide to you.
Responses are confidential and no identifying links between responses and individuals are retained.
All responses should be submitted by 18th November when the survey closes. Remember you could also win one of two iPad minis.
More information on LibQUAL+ , the 2011 report and the Library’s response: http://edin.ac/16D1JCb
If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Angela Laurins, (LibQUAL+ survey Co-ordinator) Library-QualitySurvey@ed.ac.uk