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Warm Wishes from your Law Librarians TAGS: | | | | | With the exam period almost finished, it is time for all of us to get a well deserved break from studies, assignments and work in general. The University will be …Continue reading →

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Study Spaces in and around the Law Library during your exams TAGS: | | | | | | | With the exam period already here and the need for more space to study and revise, one of the most common concerns for Law students is finding study spaces in …Continue reading →

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Resource Lists: What do you think? We want to know! TAGS: | | | | | We’re in the midst of gathering feedback about Resource List use within the School of Law and would like to invite our students to get involved in a short focus …Continue reading →

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Library Tours for Staff 2024 TAGS: | | | | | | Are you a new or existing staff member who would like to find out more about the University’s libraries? Join an Academic Support Librarian on a 20 to 30-minute in-person …Continue reading →

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Welcome to Week One! TAGS: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Hello, and if you’re a new student joining us for the 2023/24 academic year we look forward to meeting you in the Law Library soon! We are Anna Richards and …Continue reading →

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New ebooks: Hart Law 2023 collection TAGS: | | | Welcome to the Law School to all our new students and welcome back to our returning students! You’ll be glad to know that the library has expanded it’s ebook collection …Continue reading →

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New resource: Decolonisation and Legal Knowledge TAGS: | | | | | | In January the School of Law was fortunate to host the book launch event for Professor Folúkẹ́ Adébísí’s Decolonisation and Legal Knowledge: Reflections on Power and Possibility.  From the publisher: …Continue reading →

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LGBT+ History Month: LGBT+ legal resources TAGS: | | | | | | It’s LGBT+ History Month in February so we wanted to highlight some resources in our collection that are relevant to anyone looking at the history of LGBT+ rights. We recently …Continue reading →

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Warm wishes from your Law Librarian TAGS: | | | | | | | Working in the Law Library today has been like night and day since the study space scramble of last week, and that’s because most students have now finished up for …Continue reading →

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Study Spaces in the Law Library TAGS: | | | | | | | One of the most common concerns for Law students at this time of year is finding study spaces in the library to help them get ready for assignments and exams. …Continue reading →

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Default utility Image Archival Provenance Project: Emily’s finds               My name is Emily, and I’m the second of the two archive interns that...
Default utility Image Archival Provenance Project: a glimpse into the university’s history through some of its oldest manuscripts               My name is Madeleine Reynolds, a fourth year PhD candidate in History of Art....


Sustainable Exhibition Making: Recyclable Book Cradles In this post, our Technician, Robyn Rogers, discusses the recyclable book cradles she has developed...
Default utility Image Giving Decorated Paper a Home … Rehousing Books and Paper Bindings In the first post of this two part series, our Collection Care Technician, Robyn Rogers,...


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