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Bloomsbury Professional Ebooks: formerly on LexisLibrary TAGS: | | | | | | | | | | We want to alert students to a change we’re dealing with regarding Bloomsbury Professional ebooks which were formerly offered on the LexisLibrary platform.. Unfortunately going forward these will no longer …Continue reading →

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Getting resources not available in the Law Library Collections TAGS: | | | | | | | We often get asked by students how they get access to a particular item that we do not have in the Law Library collection. So here are a few ideas about …Continue reading →

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Finding International Legal Resources TAGS: | | | | | | | | | | | Following on from our last post about Finding Material for your Research and Study, we’ve just recorded a new video to introduce some of the databases we subscribe to for …Continue reading →

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Finding Journals and Law Reports TAGS: | | | | | | | | | Law reports and journal articles become increasingly important as students progress through their studies and research, and finding them can be tricky at times. The library has access to a …Continue reading →

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Media Hopper, aka UoE YouTube! TAGS: | | | | | | | | | | If you’ve attended any of the induction sessions we’ve run in the past few weeks, you’ll have heard us mention Media Hopper (and specifically the Law Librarian Media Hopper Channel) …Continue reading →

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Click & Collect comes to the Law Library TAGS: | | | | | The Law Library now is part of the Click & Collect Service! The Click & Collect service has been expanding since it’s launch in Feb 2021. As of 29th March …Continue reading →

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New Resources TAGS: | | | | | | | Throughout the year the Law Librarians purchase new materials – sometimes following requests, and other times to ensure that new editions of established and key texts are available to staff …Continue reading →

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The problem with ebooks TAGS: | | | | | | | Working and studying through the Coronavirus pandemic has meant that we’re more reliant on ebooks and other electronic resources than ever before. As much as we would have liked for …Continue reading →

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Default utility Image Archival Provenance Project: Emily’s finds               My name is Emily, and I’m the second of the two archive interns that...
Default utility Image Archival Provenance Project: a glimpse into the university’s history through some of its oldest manuscripts               My name is Madeleine Reynolds, a fourth year PhD candidate in History of Art....


Sustainable Exhibition Making: Recyclable Book Cradles In this post, our Technician, Robyn Rogers, discusses the recyclable book cradles she has developed...
Default utility Image Giving Decorated Paper a Home … Rehousing Books and Paper Bindings In the first post of this two part series, our Collection Care Technician, Robyn Rogers,...


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