RESPIRE Fellowship TAGS: conference | open data | open science This is a guest blog post from Tapas K Mohanty, Informatics & Data Science Liaison Officer for the RESPIRE project, who recently dropped by for a visit. Tapas, who is …Continue reading →
Home University of Edinburgh Library Essentials
September 8, 2024
RESPIRE Fellowship TAGS: conference | open data | open science This is a guest blog post from Tapas K Mohanty, Informatics & Data Science Liaison Officer for the RESPIRE project, who recently dropped by for a visit. Tapas, who is …Continue reading →
Edinburgh Open Research Conference 2024 TAGS: conference | open data | open science This is a guest blog post from Emma Wilson, Emma is a final year PhD student in the Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences. She is currently interning with the Library …Continue reading →
Edinburgh Open Research Conference 2024 TAGS: conference | open data | open science Join us on May 29th for the 2024 edition of the Open Research Conference. This year we are addressing the big challenge: culture change. It is not simply enough to …Continue reading →
AI, Theological Libraries … and me TAGS: AI | artificial intelligence | conference The University of Edinburgh hosted the Association of British Theological and Philosophical Libraries conference this year at New College on 21-23 March. As usual there was the opportunity for discovering …Continue reading →
Critical Approaches to Libraries (CALC) 2023 TAGS: antiracism | conference | critical information skills | Diversity | information literacy | Library | online resources I attended the CALC Conference on 24th and 25th May and can thoroughly recommend this annual event to other professionals interested in critical librarianship. The gathering was welcoming and introduced …Continue reading →
ICOM UK 2023 TAGS: anti-racism | conference | Decolonisation | ICOMUK2023 Today’s blog comes from Collections Registrar Morven Rodger, reflecting on the 2023 ICOM UK Conference in Glasgow, addressing legacies of colonialism nationally and internationally. In August 2018, while on a …Continue reading →
Edinburgh Open Research Conference Proceedings TAGS: conference | EOR One of the ambitions for the EOR conference held in March, 2022, when we first started planning it was to make it as open and accessible as possible. To achieve …Continue reading →
First Edinburgh Open Research Conference: March 27th 2022 TAGS: conference | EOR On this day in history, Kerry Miller (Library Research Support) and Laura Klinkhamer (Edinburgh Open Research Initiative and ReproducibiliTea) delivered a packed programme of speakers, workshops, and poster presentations. Attendees …Continue reading →
LILAC 2022: Being Better Teachers TAGS: academic writing | conference | critical information skills | digital skills | E-book | e-books | information literacy | journal club | online resources | pandemic | students In our third and final post about the LILAC conference (you can find part one here and part two here) I wanted to touch on the topic of becoming better …Continue reading →
It Is Our Mantra TAGS: conference | MANTRA Last week I was honoured to accept an invitation to speak at the Library Technology Conclave at Somaiya Vidyavihar University in Mumbai, India, organised by Informatics Limited and the University. …Continue reading →