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How to…read your reading list and search for readings in the Library TAGS: | | | | | | | Got your reading list but not sure what you’re being asked to read (is it a book, is it an article, is it a bird, is it a plane…)? Or …Continue reading →

Ladies in the Lords: Chrystal Macmillan Lecture Oct 2014 TAGS: | | | On Thursday 30th October the Lord Speaker Baroness D’Souza will deliver the Chrystal Macmillan Lecture on the topic of Ladies in the Lords: Women’s Representation in Political Life. Today there …Continue reading →

Meet the Collections Managers TAGS: | | Hannah and I can’t wait to meet some of our users tomorrow, when we do our Pop Up Library session on the 1st floor of the Main Library. We will …Continue reading →

Sport and social sciences: A Commonwealth Games inspired reading list TAGS: | | | | | | The 2014 Commonwealth Games start today and we’ve had a look through the wealth of e-books currently available to University staff and students at the Library, to pull together just …Continue reading →

50 Years of Sociology at Edinburgh: Professor Tom Burns TAGS: | | | | In 1964 the Sociology department at University of Edinburgh was founded by Tom Burns. A prominent sociologist and one of the first sociologists to be elected to a Fellowship of …Continue reading →

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Chrystal Macmillan Lecture: Professor Veena Das reading list TAGS: | | | | On Wednesday 18th June 2014 Professor Veena Das will deliver this year’s Chrystal Macmillan lecture. Krieger-Eisenhower Professor at John Hopkins University and a founding member of the Institute of Socio-Economic …Continue reading →

Fitba’ crazy, fitba’ mad? A football inspired reading list TAGS: | | | The World Cup kicks off tomorrow in Brazil and we’ve pulled together just a small number of the e-books currently available to staff and students of the University in the …Continue reading →

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Default utility Image Archival Provenance Project: Emily’s finds               My name is Emily, and I’m the second of the two archive interns that...
Default utility Image Archival Provenance Project: a glimpse into the university’s history through some of its oldest manuscripts               My name is Madeleine Reynolds, a fourth year PhD candidate in History of Art....


Sustainable Exhibition Making: Recyclable Book Cradles In this post, our Technician, Robyn Rogers, discusses the recyclable book cradles she has developed...
Default utility Image Giving Decorated Paper a Home … Rehousing Books and Paper Bindings In the first post of this two part series, our Collection Care Technician, Robyn Rogers,...


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