Beasties I’ve seen a startling number of beasties hiding out in our Collections over the years, and the time has come to celebrate them! From the delightful details in the margins …Continue reading →
Home University of Edinburgh Library Essentials
March 17, 2025
Beasties I’ve seen a startling number of beasties hiding out in our Collections over the years, and the time has come to celebrate them! From the delightful details in the margins …Continue reading →
New Ways Of Seeing TAGS: Ms 195 A large part of what we do in the Digital Imaging Unit is fulfilling digitisation requests from all over the world from researchers and academics who want access to our …Continue reading →
French Bible Historial Now Available in Book Reader When we started at the DIU at the beginning 2004, a project to digitise a beautiful French Bible known to us as Ms 19 was already half completed, our first …Continue reading →
Photographing The Apocalypse Circa 1483 TAGS: Albrecht Durer | Anton Koberger | Library Recently the Digital Imaging Unit were asked to photograph all 8 illustrations from the book of the Apocalypse in Anton Koberger’s German Bible of 1483. Shelf-mark Inc.45.2. I have selected …Continue reading →
CENSORED! Last week I was sent a wonderful book, Deletrix – a collaboration between the artist Joan Fontcuberta, Catalan PEN and Arts Santa Mònica and it explores censorship and violence done …Continue reading →
11th Century Manuscript Digitisation Complete Hello & welcome to our very first Post! It seems appropriate to kick off this blog with the exciting news that we have just completed the digitisation of one of …Continue reading →