Home University of Edinburgh Library Essentials
January 13, 2025
Since Alma go-live on Monday June 29th, the Metadata Team have been working with colleagues in Acquisitions Services and Electronic Resources to develop new, streamlined workflows for managing new acquisitions. Alma treats the acquisition and cataloguing of new resources as a single integrated process and allows staff to assign records to each other and generate work lists within the system.
To date, we have workflows in place for new print acquisitions, with ongoing work to develop procedures for managing individual e-book purchases and subscription based packages. Although workflow development required access to the full live system and migrated metadata, the cataloguing of donated material was possible as soon as Alma was up and running on June 29th. The first new catalogue record on Alma was created by Alason Roberts (pictured) for: Catalogue des peintures, dessins, cartons, aquarelles exposés dans des galeries du Musée Gustave Moreau, Paris.
Alasdair MacDonald
Metadata Co-ordinator