Our most viewed images of 2014: numbers 5-1

Posted on January 16, 2015 | in Collections, Featured, Library, Research & Learning Services | by

Following on from yesterday’s publication of numbers 10-6, the top five most viewed images from images.is.ed.ac.uk 2014 can now be revealed!

No.5: Khush khati (calligraphy), 17th / 18th century

5. Kush khati

From the the Qit’at-i Khushkhatt, an album of Persian calligraphy (Khush Khati). The text is written in seven types of character, including Nasta’liq, Naskh and Raihan, and conforms to the format of large central letters with small ones on the outside.

No.4: Letter from Deacon Brodie, begging for mercy shortly before his execution, 1788

Brodie letter

A Letter from Deacon William Brodie dated 10 September 1788, sent from Tollcross, begging for mercy just prior to his execution.

No.3: Title page of Sir Walter Scott’s translation of Goethe’s tragedy Goetz of Berlichingen, 1799

Title page of Walter Scott's translation of Goethe's drama Goetz

Sir Walter Scott began his literary career with a series of translations from contemporary German literature: on this title page of Goethe’s Goetz of Berlichingen, Scott’s name is erroneously given as William.

No.2: Ivanhoe: Castle of Torquilstone, 1832

3. Ivanhoe - Castle of Torquilstone

This steel vignette, presumed to be engraved from Edward Finden’s design, shows Torquilstone Castle as it was described in Ivanhoe, ch. 21.

No.1: John Steell, 1840s

Carver and gilder.

Portrait by Hill and Adamson, photography pioneers who created the first substantial body of self-consciously artistic work using the newly invented medium.


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