The Benefits Of Sharing project is overseen by SCURL (Scottish Confederation of University and Research Libraries) and is being undertaken by staff from the University of Edinburgh and the University of Stirling. At its recent meeting on the 23rd January 2013, SCURL approved the creation of a ‘task and finish’ group continue the work on the project.
The Benefits of Sharing project is contributing towards a new vision for library systems by investigating the following question:
“How would a shared library management system improve services in Scotland?”
The new group will consider the conclusions of the project, and take these forward. Specifically it will look at what the possibilities might be of running a shared LMS in the future. It will investigate its members timetables for LMS transitions, and perform exploratory to work to see what options there are for shared services. The group can then consider what would be required to run a shared service – for example governance, vision, and planning.
The outputs of the group will be able to inform the future direction of SCURL and its members.