Name of Institution
Current library management system vendor
- Release/version
Can bibliographic records be exported in machine-readable form. Yes / No
Approximate number of bibliographic records held in machine readable formats within LMS:
- Serials/journals
- Monographs
- Ebooks
Approximate number of holdings/item records
MARC format used
- UTF-8
- MARC-8
Machine-readable records held outside of Library Management System:
- Digital Repository
- Archive management system
- Other (please specify):
If records were to be held in a single Library Management System, which of the following options would you favour, please give a brief reasoning:
- A single database with a single bibliographic record for all Scottish HE titles, with separate holdings records for each library.
- Separate databases on a single shared infrastructure, but all editing and quality control responsibilities would be retained by individual libraries.
- Approximate number of titles not yet catalogued to machine readable form.
We would also like to know the scale of the systems in terms of patrons/users.
- Could you give an approximate number of records for library users that your system contains: