Tag Archives: World Book Day

2020 World Book Day

Do you know today is World Book Day? Originally designated by UNESCO on 23rd April, World Book Day in the UK has been celebrated on the first Thursday in March since 1995 and is a celebration of  reading, authors, illusatrators and of course, books!

Here at the University Collections Facility, we definetely don’t want to miss out this opportunity to appreciate our beloved collections and share some of them with you!

The Jim Burns Portfolio

Who said an academic library can only be solemn? At the UCF we have a wide range of collections including those science fiction fans’ favorite. The Jim Burns Portfolio is a collection of 28 Jim Burns’ best known works.


This folio contain full-page images which represent the work of Burns, including his work between 1978 and 1989, and also Burn’s words to his supportive fans.


The Ideal Book

What’s your ideal book to spend a whole weekend reading on your cozy couch? We have The Ideal Book for you! Written by William S. Peterson ( 1939-) the Ideal Book records essays and lectures by William Morris ( 1834-1896) written on book art. On World Book Day, let’s all read through the book which contain the wisdom from Morris, whose novelty theories and views on book art made a siginificant impact on modern design.

The book also includes four interviews with Morris, which not only provide a first hand record of Morris and his works but also a valuable chance to learn about him as an individual.


What’s your favorite book, and how are you celebrating World Book Day? Do share with us in the comments below. If you want to find out more about the University Collections Facility and our collections, please visit our webstite.

The University Collections Facility

World Book Day

Sandy Lin, UCF Library Assistant



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