
The Centre for Research Collections (CRC) is the main space for anyone using the University of Edinburgh’s historic collections.

Bringing together Special Collections (including University Archives), Lothian Health Services Archive and Museums Support under one banner, the CRC forms the principal single point of access to these collections and the staff who manage them.

We regularly have volunteers and interns working with our staff and collections, and we also take placements from a number of academic courses.

The aim of this blog is to highlight their recent work and achievements.

More information about the CRC, and our intern and volunteer opportunties is available here:


One thought on “About

  1. Atsuko Betchaku

    I saw the origami desk the other day in the foyer of the library and have found this webpage. I have been running a project making 140,000 Origami cranes to remember Hiroshima. I also happen to present a paper on Shakespeare’s Twelfthnight on 20 May at a postgraduate conference at the university. I felt a connection! I just thought to introduce my Origami project.


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