Halloween Zombie Apocalypse (or how to access Library resources off campus)

http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jack-o%27-Lantern_2003-10-31.jpgHalloween! Zombies! Candy!

The Zombie Apocalypse is here and the real question is how do you survive both the zombies and your studies at the same time? 

Stay calm … arm yourself with this list: Zombie Apocalypse Guide – How to access resources during a zombie outbreak (or any other event that may affect access to University services).


This guide created by the Library Learning Services team using Resource Lists @ Edinburgh provides handy tips on how library services can be accessed remotely and off campus. It also provides information on h
ow to get the most use from Resource Lists and provides direction towards self-study in the areas of zombie outbreak and survival.Image source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/petehogan/5416999952

Library Learning Services will be up on the first floor of the Main Libraryfrom 10am-12noon this Halloween (31st October) to answer all your off-campus and Zombie Apocalypse questions.

Attractions may include: pumpkins, zombies, games, chocolates, lollipops, assorted candy.

Note: if you are not already, you will be prompted to log in to EASE to access subscription content.


Stephanie Farley

Library Learning Services Assistant

Next week at the Pop-up Library

29thSeptember – 3rd October

Monday Smart searching with Searcher10-12noon Research Data Surgery2-4pm
Tuesday Paper Conservation – techniques and tricks10-12noon Resources Plus: How do I get hold of the book I need?2-4pm
Wednesday Art Exposed – Art in the University’s Collections10-12noon Metadata Games2-4pm
Thursday Finding Theses10-12noon Box of Broadcasts2-4pm
Friday Managing your digital footprint10-12 noon Smart searching with Searcher2-4pm


Zombie Apocalypse (or how to access Library resources off campus)

It’s happened! The Zombie Apocalypse is here and the real question is how do you survive both the zombies and your studies at the same time? 

Stay calm … arm yourself with this list: Zombie Apocalypse Guide – How to access resources during a zombie outbreak (or any other event that may affect access to University services)


This guide created by the Library Learning Services team using Resource Lists @ Edinburgh provides handy tips on how library services can be accessed remotely and off campus. It also provides information on how to get the most use from Resource Lists and provides direction towards self-study in the areas of zombie outbreak and survival.

Library Learning Services will be up on the first floor of the Main Libraryfrom 10am-12noon 25th of September to answer all your off-campus and Zombie Apocalypse questions.

Note: if you are not already, you will be prompted to log in to EASE to access subscription content.


Stephanie Farley

Library Learning Services Assistant