The Centre for the Study of World Christianity at the School of Divinity hosts its Research Seminar today, and the speaker is Andrew Kaiser, on:
” Lessons for Today from China’s Past: Timothy Richard’s Innovations in Mission.”
New College Library’s stacks bear witness to the activity of nineteenth and twentieth century missons in China and East Asia. I picked up these three volumes which all have attractive publishers bindings.
The Cross and the Dragon, or, Light in the Broad East by Rev B.C. Henry (London, Partridge & Co, 1885) announces the author as “Ten years a missionary in Canton”. It is beautifully illustrated and has endpapers printed in a pattern of Chinese fans. The introduction proclaims “There is no new and sacred sight open to the eyes of present generations better worth study than the rising of the unobscured orb of Christianity in the Far East …”
East of the Barrier, or, Side lights on the Manchuria Mission (Oliphant, Andrewson and Ferrier, Edinburgh & London , 1902), was written by J. Miller Graham, a missionary of the United Free Church of Scotland, Moukden, Manchuria.
Two Lady Missionaries in Tibet by Isabel S. Robson ( London: S.W. Partridge & Co 1910) is the story of two intrepid women missionaries – Miss Annie R Taylor and Dr Susie Carson Moyes.