New Books at New College Library – August (recommended by students)

Oxford Handbook of the PsalmsspeakingStudent recommendations are in at New College Library! The recently purchased Oxford Handbook of the Psalms, edited by William Brown, is available as an ebook via  DiscoverEd.   Other student recommendations in the library include is Speaking of God : theology, language and truth,  by D. Stephen Long, at BT40 Lon.

unlockingAt BT135 Dod is Unlocking divine action : contemporary science & Thomas Aquinas by Michael J. Dodds. And at BR128.C43 Hua. is Confronting Confucian understandings of the Christian doctrine of salvation … by Paulos Zhanzhu Huang.confrontingStudents are encouraged to recommend books for the library using the online form at

You can see an regularly updated display of new books for New College Library in the new books display at the back of the Library Hall.

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