Chinese database for trial

We have been offered a free trial of 大成故纸堆 which contains a vast amount of full-text material for Chinese studies. The trial can be accessed on the University network by going to The trial finishes on 23rd October 2016.


The database is produced by the same company that supplies us with Duxiu and Chinamaxx. It contains the following categories of full-text material:

老旧期刊全文数据库 (containing over 7,000 full-text periodicals from the late Qing Dynasty to 1949. There are many titles that are not found in the Late Qing Periodicals 1833-1911 and Minguo periodicals 1911-1949 that we subscribe to.)

民国图书全文数据库 (39,000 digitised books published between 1911 and 1949)

中国各地古方志集 (3,400 local gazetteers published throughout China’s history before 1949, some dating back to Song Dynasty)

古籍文献全文数据库 (15,000 pre-modern and rare Chinese books)

中共党史期刊数据库 (200 full-text periodicals published by the Chinese Communist Party before 1949)

《申报》 1872-1949 全文数据库 (we have already purchased this resource – please see Database A-Z list)